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Safety instructions
1. Please read these operating instructions before using the device for the first time!
2. If this device is given to other persons, ensure that these operating instructions are also handed over.
3. We accept no responsibility for any damages that occur due to improper use or incorrect handling. This device is
only intended for household use.
4. Please first check whether the type of current and supply voltage match the information on the data plate.
5. Do not touch either the raclette device or the power plug with wet or damp hands.
6. Never use power outlets, with which other devices are already being operated.
7. Never operate the raclette device unsupervised and use it only for the intended purpose.
8. Children and persons with physical, sensory, or mental disabilities may not use this device without adequate
supervision or appropriate expert instruction and safety training.
9. Children should be monitored to ensure that they do not play with the device.
10. Never operate this device with an external timer or a separate remote control system.
11. Place the raclette device on a level, stable and heat resistant surface and not near hot stove burners or gas flames
and out of reach of children.
12. Place the device so that no one can fall over the cable.
13. Caution: Using the device results in high temperatures, please only touch the device on the heat resistant handles.
14. Please do not pull on the cable to move the device. Lift the device and place it in the desired location.
15. Ensure that no foreign bodies (paper, dishtowels, etc.) are touching the heating coil.
16. Pull out the power plug after each use and in case of:
– Malfunctions during operation
– Cleaning
Please do not pull on the power cord, but rather on the plug itself!
17. Check the power cord before every use for damage. Avoid smashing or kinking the power cord, touching hot
surfaces or abrasion on sharp edges. If the power cord is or becomes damaged, it must definitely be replaced.
18. Never submerge the device, the cord, or the plug in water or other liquids. Please do not clean it in the dishwasher.
19. Never use the device if you discover damage, if water has entered the housing, or if the device has fallen.
20. Never attempt to open or repair the device yourself. In case of malfunction, please only have it repaired by qualified
experts! Contact an authorized retailer for this.
Before using for the first time
• Please first read these operating instructions and the safety instructions carefully.
• Remove all packing material first.
• Wipe the housing with a moist rag and dry afterwards thoroughly.
• Please clean the cold stone slab* with warm water and a sponge. Do not use dishwashing detergent.
• Only clean the grill plate** with hot water, some detergent, and a firm sponge. Avoid heavily abrasive cleaning agents
or sponges.
• You can clean the coupelles and spatulas with hot water and some mild dishwashing detergent. Please dry all parts
• Place the grill plate** or the stone* on the device with the juice groove at the top so that they lie completely on the
frame. When using the stone plate* ensure that it lies in the recesses for this purpose on the underside.
• Heat the empty device for approx. 10 minutes; the slight smoke and odor that will probably be produced is completely
harmless. This is only protective oil, which was applied during production. Ensure good ventilation of the room during
this period!
Care instructions for the stone slab*:
• Due to natural conditions, there may be variations in the color and structure of the stone. This is not a defect nor does
it adversely affect function. On the contrary, this emphasizes the fact that the stone is a natural product and that
therefore no two stones are the same.
To ensure that your new product brings many years of enjoyment, please follow these care instructions thoroughly.
BA Raclette 17 7000 00 00_Layout 1 25.05.10 10:59 Seite 8

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