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Make sure the cord may not inadvertently be pulled or cause anyone to trip when
in use.
Do not allow the cord to hang over sharp edges.
Do not bend the cord or wind it round the appliance.
Do not use the appliance,
if the cord (9) is damaged.
in case of malfunction.
if the appliance was dropped or is damaged otherwise.
Have it checked and, if necessary, repaired by a qualified person/Customer
Service. Never attempt to make any modifications to or repair the appliance
– Only use accessories evaluated for use with this appliance.
– Never attempt to drive any objects into the appliance.
– Never attempt to open the housing yourself!
Hint: Before first use, clean all the removable accessories (apart from the engine
block) as specified under “Cleaning and Care”.
1. Fully unwind the cord (9), which is in the cable storage (8) under the engine block.
2. Plug the shorter end of the driving shaft (6) into the engine block (7). Then install
the other accessories in the following order: Container (5), sieve (4), pressure
cone (2) or (3).
3. Cut the fruit in two halves. By easily pressing one half of the fruit on the pressure
cone, you start the engine and the extraction of juice begins. By reducing the
pressure on the cone, the cone will automatically rotate so that all the juice of the
fruit will be extracted.
Attention: In order to prevent damage, do not put too much pressure on the
4. Place a suitable container under the spout (10) and pay attention that the spout
(10) is facing the right direction. In order to stop the flow of juice, press the spout
(10) up until it clicks. By pressing it back down, the process is being continued.
5. After the extraction is finished, disconnect the appliance from the mains and
disassemble the citrus juicer as described in step 2 in reverse order.
6. Now clean all removable accessories as specified under “Cleaning and Care”.
Suggestion: Never operate the appliance for more than 5 minutes. Afterwards,
the appliance has to cool down for 5 minutes before operation can be continued.
Instruction Manual
instruct_27001_citrus_KORO_03-12.indd 9 21.04.12 12:05

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