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Power ON/OFF
Use the Power ON/OFF switch at the top of Baby unit to turn the unit ON/OFF. The power ON/OFF indicator
(LED) will be turned ON/OFF accordingly.
High-Low Transmission
Select High or Low power transmission by using the HI / LO switch at the side of the Baby unit.
High power transmission provides the maximum communication range with the Parent unit.
Low power transmission provides an approximately 100 meters communication range with the Parent unit.
Volume Control
Press the (+) and (-) button located on the top of the Baby unit to increase and decrease the volume of the
Baby unit.
Voice Activated (VOX) Function
When the sound level of the unit’s surrounding area reaches the preset level, the Baby unit will transmit the
captured sound to the Parent unit.
When the surrounding sound level is below the preset level, transmission will be automatically switched off and
the speaker on the Parent unit will also be switched off.
Night Light
Switch to ON or OFF by sliding the OFF/AUTO/ON switch at the side of the Baby unit. The night light will be
illuminated continuously at the base of the Baby unit.
Use Voice Activated Night Light (AUTO) by sliding the OFF/AUTO/ON switch to AUTO.
When the sound level of the unit’s surrounding area reaches the preset level, the night light will be turned on.
When the surrounding sound level is below the preset level, the night light will be turned off.
Power ON/OFF
Use the Power ON/OFF switch at the top of Parent unit to turn the unit ON/OFF. The power ON/OFF indicator
(LED) and LCD will be turned ON/OFF accordingly.
Volume Control
Press the (+) and (-) button located on top of the Parent unit to increase and decrease the volume of the
Parent unit. The corresponding volume level will be shown on the LCD volume level display. The 4 x LEDs
sound bar above the LCD display will also light up to indicate the strength of the sound level.
Melodies (Lullabies) Selection and Transmission
Press the Melody Selection Button at the top of the Parent unit to select the melody to be sent to the Baby unit.
The LCD will display L1 to L3 to indicate your selection.
The melody you selected will be transmitted to the Baby unit.
PTT (Push-to-Talk)
To talk to the Baby unit, press and hold the PTT button located on the side of the Parent unit and talk closely
to the microphone of the Parent unit.
Out of Range Alarm
When the Parent unit cannot receive a transmission signal from the Baby unit, the audio Out of Range Alarm
(continuous beep sound) will be set off, and ‘NO SIGNAL’ will also appear on the LCD display.
Baby’s Room Temperature Indicated on Parent Unit
The Baby unit can detect the baby’s room temperature and transmit the signal to the Parent unit. The
temperature reading is indicated on the LCD of the Parent unit. Choose °C or °F on the selection switch
located under the rechargeable battery pack on the Parent unit.

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