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Assembly Instructions
Before assembling or using the table-tennis table, please read the following instructions carefully. They contain impor-
tant information for use and maintenance of the equipment as well as for your personal safety. Keep these instructions
in a safe place for maintenance purposes or for ordering spare parts.
All Kettler products are designed in accordance with the latest safety regulations and undergo a constant process of quality control dur-
ing manufacturing. The knowledge gained in this process is used to constantly improve and develop our products. In order to offer our
customers the very best in product quality, we reserve the right to make technical changes at any time. In spite of this, should you have
any cause for complaint, please contact your Kettler dealer.
Note on Safety
The table-tennis table should be used only for its intended pur-
pose, i.e. for playing with suitable table-tennis bats and balls.
All other uses are prohibited and may be dangerous. The man-
ufacturer cannot be held liable for damage or injury caused by
improper use of the table.
Damaged or worn components may endanger your safety or
shorten the lifespan of the table-tennis table. Replace worn or
damaged components immediately and remove the table from
use until this has been done. Use only spare parts manufac-
tured by Kettler.
The table-tennis table complies with all safety regulations. In-
correct repairs, alterations to the design (removal of original
parts, addition of other components etc.) may endanger the
safety of the user.
Instruct other persons (in particular children) using the table in
its correct use, and draw their attention to any potential source
of danger, especially when setting up or dismantling the table.
When setting up or dismantling the table, stay clear of its fold-
ing radius.
When folded up, the table-tennis table presents a large surface
to the wind. For this reason, ensure that it is stored in a shel-
tered position.
The table-tennis table may be pushed only into the transport po-
sition (see p. 16, Fig. 1) because there is otherwise a danger
of injury.
The unit complies with the standard DIN 7898-1/10.97.
Depending on frequency of use, check all screws, bolts etc.
regularly to ensure that they are in good condition.
In case of enquiry, please contact your Kettler dealer.
Handling the equipment
Do not use the table-tennis table until it has been fully and cor-
rectly assembled and checked.
Ensure that table-tennis tables which are not weatherproof are
not exposed to dampness or rain. Keep them well away from
direct sources of heat. Should the surface become warped, lay
the table on a level surface for a few days.
Set the table up on a level surface and brake it firmly in position.
Do not cover it with plastic foil, under which condensation may
form. We recommend the weatherproof Kettler tarpaulin, art.
no. 7032.
For practising without a partner, the table halves can be fold-
ed up singly.
For more information on the sport of table-tennis, you are re-
ferred to the specialist literature on the subject.
Do not use corrosive or abrasive materials to clean the equip-
ment. Ensure that such materials are not allowed to pollute the en-
vironment. In most cases, a slightly dampened cloth is sufficient.
Instructions for Assembly
The equipment must be assembled with due care by two adult
Carefully read these mounting instructions before beginning
with the work itself. The individual steps are additionally ex-
plained in the sequenz of figures by means of symbols, in some
cases a text mark indicates that a written explanations is avail-
able. Strictly follow the individual mounting steps to ensure a
safe use and operation of the unit.
To ensure that the table-tennis table is properly assembled and
can be safely used, observe the instructions for assembly ex-
List of spare parts page 19 and 20
When ordering spare parts, always state the full article number,
spare-part number, the quantity required and the inspection num-
ber stamped on the back.
Example order: Art. no. 7038-200 / spare-part no. 94608005
/ 2 pieces / inspection no......
Important: spare part prices do not include fastening material; if
fastening material (bolts, nuts, washers etc.) is required, this
should be clearly stated on the order by adding the words „with
fastening material“.
KETTLER GB Ltd. · Kettler House, Merse Road · North Moons Moat · Red-
ditch, Worcestershire B98 9HL
KETTLER International Inc. · 1355, London Bridge Road · USA-Virginia
Beach, Virginia 23450

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