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The keyboard fails to play The Master volume or Pedal Volume are set at minimum.
The Fade Out is enabled
The Ear phones are enabled
The Arranger fails to start Make sure that the Clock Midi is not set in External
Difference in long sound of his is normal. The Multiple-sampling technique involves these sound
the keyboard differences
Some notes are cut This may occur if the max. polyphony of 64 notes is exceeded, using
Programs + Harmony Close + Arranger for example
The effect changes when the This is normal. Each Voice is called-up with its own effect.
Voice is changed
There is an octave difference bet-
This is normal. The octave most suitable for the song has been selected for each
ween the sounds and the Song
The Disk Save and Load opera- Normal. The time of the Load / Save operations depends on the amount of
tions with .Wave files are slow PCM data of the samples or .Waves considered
The Rotor Effect does not affect Normal: these are some Organ sounds already sampled with their own original
all the Organ Voices modulation effects
The Vibrato is not cut out on Normal: these are Voices in which the Vibrato is integral part of the actual
some Voices sample
For any other problems or abnormal running conditions different to those indicated it is advisa-
ble to contact one of our authorized service centres or in any event highly skilled personnel.
Here is a list of the most common Error messages together with the indication of the problems to
which they refer:
Disk Full Disk full
Folder Full The Folder is full.
Pattern Flash Full The pattern memory is full.
Hd Fatal Error The Hard Disk is broken or damaged
Folder Error Generic error encountered in the Folder
Read Error Reading Error on Disk
Time Error The Disk fails to respond
Disk Error Generic Disk Error
Write Error Writing Error on Disk
Name Error The name is not acknowledged
Song error Error during Song copying
Read File Error Reading Error on Disk
Disk not Ready The Disk fails to respond to the commands
Diskette absent The Disk is not inserted in the Floppy Driver
Diskette protected The Disk is safeguarded
Folder Protected The Folder is locked.
File Corrupted The File is damaged
File not Found No file stored in the directory
Disk not Formatted Floppy or Hard Disk are not formatted
Pat. Flash Corrupted The Pattern memory is damaged
Time Sig. not Equal The Time Signature between 2 Patterns is not compatible
Measures not Equal The Musical division between 2 Patterns is not compatible.
Pattern Corrupted The File Pattern is damaged

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