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Copies of the I/B. Please reproduce them without any
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in order to obtain a booklet A5 (+/- 148.5 mm width x 210 mm
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6 DG 33761 – 120501
Back cover page (last page)
Assembly page 6/32
Fax +1 305 430 9692
This appliance is equipped with a polarized plug (one blade is wider
than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug will fit
into the polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not properly
fit into the outlet at first, reverse it. If it still does not fit, contact a
competent qualified electrician. Do not attempt to modify the plug in
any way.
A short power supply cord is provided to reduce the hazards resulting
from becoming entangled in, or tripping over a longer cord.
Extension cords may be used if care is exercised in their use.
The electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least
that of the appliance. If the electrical rating of the extension
cord is too low, it could overheat and burn.
The resulting extended cord should be arranged so that it will
not drape over the counter top or tabletop where it can be
pulled on by children or tripped over.
In order to eliminate any manufacturing residues, it is necessary to
clean the appliance and the accessories (Cf. "Care and cleaning ")
Before using your food steamer, make sure it is OFF and cold. Fill
water tank with cold water. To do so, pour the water directly into
the water tank. The amount of water depends on the required
cooking time. However, it is very important to respect the minimum
and maximum level. Non-observance of this instruction could
damage your appliance. Do not add any herbs, spices or other
liquid such as wine or broth to the water in the water tank.

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