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Wand Game
Wand Game
The Magic Wand will tell you what you must do, follow the instructions then it is
the turn of the Princess to your left. The wand is passed to the next Princess
after you have followed the instructions, unless you land on a Wand square,
when you have another turn.
On each turn, the Magic Wand will grant you from 1 to 6 spaces. Listen
carefully to what the Magic Wand tells you. If you didn’t hear the instructions
properly, press the star-shaped button on the Wand to hear them again:
I grant you to move 1 (2, 3 … 6) spaces.
You can move the number of spaces indicated. You can go in any direction through the paths
of the Garden, unless they are blocked by a Magic Pathway.
You cannot land on a square that is already occupied by another Princess, but you can jump
over to fi nish on the correct square. If you can only move to a square that is already occupied,
you have to miss a turn.
Special spells
Sometimes the Magic Wand will cast special spells to help you move through the Magic
I grant you to rotate a Magic Pathway and to move 1 (2, 3 … 6) spaces.
You can rotate any Magic Pathway you wish (see below) and move the number of spaces
indicated. Even if you cannot move, you can still rotate a Pathway.
I grant you the magic to change places with another Princess or to
move 1 (2, 3 … 6) spaces.
This spell is very special; you can choose to change places with another Princess or move the
number of spaces indicated.
It is the evening of the Great Annual Ball at the Castle.
All the Princes and Princesses have come from kingdoms far far away to take part in this magical event.
This year, the Fairy Godmother has prepared a game for all the Princesses. What’s the prize? To open this year’s Ball.
All the Princesses have gathered at the gates of the Magic Garden.
The rules are simple: The fi rst Princess to reach the Castle will win the honour of the fi rst dance with her Prince.
Before you begin
(The fi rst time) Fix the four Magic Pathways to the board with the fasteners. (The Magic
Pathways need to connect two of the Paths in the garden.) Ask an adult to insert two AAA
batteries into the Magic Wand. Put the board on a table within reach of all the players.
Put the Great Castle and its door together as shown in the picture. Then place it at the end of
the Magic Garden, but not on top of it. Each player chooses a Princess.
How do you play the Magic Wand Game?
All the Princesses gather at the gates to the Magic Garden (at the farthest point
from the Castle). The Magic Wand is switched on (ON) and the youngest
Princess starts the game by waving it a couple of times.
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