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Cars Race Game
• 1 spinner
• 24 racing track pieces
• 6 Cars characters
• 4 plastic bases
Use all 24 racing track pieces to create an exciting track. Each player chooses
a Cars character and places it in one of the bases. There are more cars than
bases, making it possible to choose a different car to play with each time.
Position all the cars at the start on the racing track.
The game
The youngest player starts the game. Spin
the spinner when it’s your turn. The following
options exist:
[a.] If you spin this, you can move forward by
the same number of racing track pieces.
[b.] Oh dear, you’ve got a fl at tyre!
Unfortunately, you have to miss a turn to fi x
your puncture.
[c.] Oil slick on the track. Your car starts to skid
and only comes to rest two spaces back.
[d.] Wow, you’re going really fast! You can
overtake the racing driver in fi rst place. You
land one space ahead of him/her. If you’re
already leading the race, you get to move
ahead by one space.
Who wins?
The fi rst player to cross the fi nish is the winner!
If you want to play for longer, you can of course agree at the start to race two
or three laps. This can be very exciting if there are two players; it may take a bit
too long if there are four players. If you’re going to race several laps, you must
close the track and not set it up in a straight line.
Spelregels / Spielregeln
Règles du jeu / Rules of the Game
pelregels /
Race Game
Made by Koninklijke Jumbo B.V., part of JumboDiset.
P.O. Box 2224, 1500 GE Zaandam, the Netherlands.
© Koninklijke Jumbo B.V., all rights reserved.
NL Opgelet: Wegens de kleine onderdelen is dit spel
niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 3 jaar.
Bewaar de doos voor raadpleging in de toekomst.
D Vorsicht: Dieses Spiel enthält kleine Teile an
denen Kinder ersticken können und ist deshalb
ungeeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Schachtel
mit Herstelleranschrift bitte aufbewahren.
F Ne convient pas à un enfant de moins de
36 mois, car ce produit contient des éléments
de petites dimensions pouvant être absorbés.
Informations à conserver pour référence
GB Caution: Not suitable for children under
3 years of age due to small parts.
Keep the box for future reference.
© Disney
00944_HDL.indd 100944_HDL.indd 1 18-01-2008 14:18:0618-01-2008 14:18:06

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