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JOCCA thanks you for the trust placed in the purchase of our product and we are certain that
you will always be satisfied with any of our products.
b-Non-sliding feet
c-Batterycompartment (Includes two button-type batteries)
d-Weight unit selector (Kg,lb)
e-Fat measurement sensors
f-On button
g-Set button
h-Up button
i-Down button
-These instructions are very important. Please read this instructions manual carefully before
using the appliance and keep it at hand to refer to it at any time.
-JOCCA declines any responsibility for the improper use of the product, or any other use that is
not described in this manual.
-Before using the product for the first time, unpack the product and check that it is in perfect
conditions. If not, do not use the appliance and contact JOCCA, as the guarantee covers any
damage from origin or manufacturing defects.
-This product is only indicated for domestic use. Do not use the appliance outdoors. Never
leave the appliance exposed to climatic agents such as rain, snow, sun, etc.…
-Do not immerse the appliance or any part of it in water or any other liquid.
-Do not knock or drop the scales.
-Do not get onto the scale with wet feet, you may slip.
-Remove the battery from the compartment if you are not going to use the scales fora long
period of time.
-Remember that the batteries must be settled in containers specialized for withdrawal of
-If you want to get rid of the product don’t forget to withdraw the batteries of the appliance.
-If the battery has some type of escape never manipulate it directly with hands.
-Never use the product if the glass is broken or cracked.
-Don’t keep the appliance in vertical position.
-Don’t drag the appliance across the floor, sensor can be damaged.
-This appliance is not a toy, therefore people and children will have to use it under the
supervision of an adult.
-Use the appliance on an horizontal, smooth and flat surface, please avoid to place it on
carpets, etc …
-Do not overcome the maximum capacity of weight.
-Before using the appliance please remove the plastic from the battery compartment for the
batteries to make contact with the appliance for it to begin to operate.
-Select the unit in which you wish to weigh (kg or lb) located on the side of the battery
-The scale should be placed on a flat surface.
-Press down gently on the ON button to switch on the scale and “8888” will immediately appear
on the screen. Wait for a few seconds for 0.0 to appear on the screen and then you may step
on the scale to weigh yourself.

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U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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