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UC-6007/6014 receiver 1/2 MJQ51102
The UC-6007/6014 receiver
The UC-6007 is a 7-channel receiver of signals from TP wireless
thermostats or from JA-60 wireless detectors (JA-60N, JA-60SP, JA-
60SR, JA-60G etc.) and RC-4x remote controls. The receiver has 7
outputs, which can be used to control various devices. LEDs on the
receiver’s front cover indicate the status of each output channel.
The UC-6014 is 14 channel version. Due to maximal current limits
load the pulse switching of the outputs is used. Therefore the UC-6014
should be used only with thermostatic regulators. It should not be used
to control any relay semiconductor switch etc.
When used with wireless thermostats, the UC-6007/6014 can
efficiently control multi-zone heating and cooling systems. Additionally,
a power relay is used as a pump control (the relay is on if any output is
Attach the unit to the desired location with three screws. Route all the
cables to the unit before you tighten the case.
Fix the cables firmly inside the box by a sliding strap.
Note: Only a qualified technician can provide installation and
servicing. The user is not allowed to open the cover and/or make
any modifications.
Terminal description:
AC, AC power input 24 V AC
L_A, N_A,
PE_A power supply input for the circulatory pump (use an
external fuse for its protection)
L_B, N_B,
PE_B terminals for the circulatory pump connection (the L-B
terminal is triggered if any of the 1-7(14) outputs are
switched on)
1- 7 transistor outputs (switchable to ground)
COM common positive output terminals (24V DC)
The receiver is protected against shorts on the output. If the output is
overloaded (the current is greater than 0.4A), then the output is
automatically disconnected. A fault is indicated by rapid red flashing of
the corresponding LED indicator. The output is under constant
monitoring and when the output current decreases below 0.4A the
output will be switched on again.
If it is necessary to have more channels, then it is possible to
connect another unit via a 2-wire cable. The S/M (slave/master) jumper
determinates the main receiver. If only one receiver is used, then the
jumper must remain in the master position.
Enrollment of transmitters
For each channel of the receiver, a transmitter (thermostat or
wireless detector) can be enrolled in the following way:
Repeatedly press button
< or > (left, right arrow) to select the
desired channel (the current channel will be indicated by its LED
Insert batteries into the transmitter (thermostat or detector). When
powered up, the transmitter generates an enrollment signal and its
code is stored in the selected receiver channel’s memory
Enrollment of the transmitter is confirmed by the constant lighting of
the green LED
Only one transmitter can be enrolled to each channel. A transmitter
can be enrolled to multiple channels or other receivers without any
restrictions. If you try to enroll a new transmitter to an occupied channel,
the new transmitter will be stored and the former one will be deleted.
Deleting a transmitter
To delete an existing transmitter:
Using buttons
< and > select the desired channel (the current
channel will be indicated by its LED flashing)
Press the RES button, the corresponding LED will turn off and the
transmitter is deleted.
Power input 24V AC
Fuse 3.15A
Jumper slave/master
Outputs 1-7(14)
Power supply
Circulatory pump
relay board
Fuse T 200mA
Terminal digital bus for
connection another
UC-6007(14) unit
Indicators 1-7 (1-14)

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