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UC-241 / 242 RECEIVER 1/2 MFD51404
UC-241 / UC-242 Receiver
The UC-241 is a 12-channel receiver of signals from TP wireless
thermostats or from JA-60 wireless detectors. The UC-242 is a six-
channel receiver. The two receivers have 12 and 6 outputs
respectively, which can be used to control various devices. LEDs on
the receiver’s front cover indicate the status of each output channel.
Additionally, a power relay is used for a pump control (the relay is on if
any output is triggered).
When used with wireless thermostats, the UC-241 / UC-242 can
efficiently control multi-zone heating and cooling systems.
JA-60M wireless detectors can also be used to control the UC-241´s
or UC-242’s output relays remotely from any switching device (switch,
micro switch sensor etc.). This can be convenient for automation or
control tasks.
The receivers can also receive signals from JA-60S wireless smoke
sensors and JA-60G gas leak sensors.
Power supply: 24 V AC
Stand by consumption: 0.05 A
Max. supply current: 2 A
Internal current protection: fuse F 3.15 A
Max. output load: max. 2 A per one output and 2 A
totally for all 1-12 outputs
Receiver radio frequency: 433.9 MHz, ISM EN 300220
Working distance: max.100 m in an open area
Dimensions: 165 x 125 x 75 mm (w/o antenna)
EMC EN 300683
Working environment: IP20 EN 60529
Humidity: max. 85 %
Working temperature): -10 to +40
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this UC-241 and UC-242 is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions
of Directive 1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity assessment can be
found at the web page www.jablotron.cz
, section Technical support.
1. Remove the 4 screws holding the front cover and open the
housing. Unplug the internal cable and remove the cover.
2. Attach the UC-241/242 in the desired location with two screws
3. Route cables through the housing and connect them to the
terminals (see terminal description and examples of wiring).
4. Plug in the front panel cable and reattach the front cover to the
Note: Do not locate any cable close to the receiver antenna and
do not install any other UC-241/242 closer than 2 meters (this could
shorten the working distance). If you need a receiver with additional
channels, you can connect two or more receivers with a two-wire data
cable. The jumper setting indicates the master receiver (see Fig.4 )!
Terminals description:
AC, AC – AC power input 24 V AC
L-A, N-A. PE-A - power supply input for the circulatory pump (use
external fuse for its protection)
L-B, N-B. PE-B - terminals for the circulatory pump connection
(the L-B terminal is triggered if any of the 1-12
outputs are switched)
1- 12 – transistor outputs (switch to ground)
COM – common positive output terminals
Green LED AC indicates the presence of the receiver’s power
supply. When lit, the receiver is powered.
Indicators 1 to 12 indicate the status of the output channels
LED 1 - 12 Description
Off Channel is not used (no transmitter is enrolled)
Steady Green Channel has a transmitter enrolled, relay is off
Steady Red Relay is on (activated by the enrolled transmitter)
Flashing Green Communication with the enrolled transmitter is down
(Low battery in transmitter, radio interference etc.)
Flashing Red Learning mode (to enroll a transmitter)
Enrollment of transmitters
For each channel of the receiver, a transmitter (thermostat or
wireless detector) can be enrolled in the following way:
Press and hold
or (UP or down) button in order to select the
desired channel (current channel will be indicated by its LED
insert batteries to the transmitter (thermostat or detector). When
powered, the transmitter generates an enrollment signal and its
code is stored in the selected receiver channel’s memory
enrollment of the transmitter is confirmed by the constant lighting
of the green LED.
Only one transmitter can be enrolled to each UC-241 / UC-242
channel. A transmitter can be enrolled to multiple receivers without any
restrictions. If you try to enroll a new transmitter to an occupied
channel, the new transmitter will be stored and the former one will be
Erasing of a transmitter
To erase an existing transmitter,:
using button
or (UP or down) select the desired channel
(current channel will be indicated by its LED flashing)
press the RESET button and the corresponding LED will turn off
Use and Maintenance
All enrolled transmitters (thermostats and detectors) transmit regular
checking signals. If the receiver does not receive the signal of an enrolled
transmitter for a certain period, it will indicate that communication with this
item is down (flashing green LED) and the corresponding relay will turn off.
A reason for the lost connection can be low batteries in the transmitter.
Average lifetime of the transmitter's batteries is about 1 year. Each
transmitter checks its battery’s conditions and signals in advance if the
batteries are reaching a critically low state (see the transmitter manual for
Another reason of possible connection failure can be from radio
signal interference in the working band of the receiver. In such a case
the UC-241 /UC-242 will usually indicate loss of communication with a
multiple number of transmitters. In this situation, check if there is any
non-approved radio-communicating device in the working range of the
Warning: manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by
improper installation or non-suitable use of this product.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after usage
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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