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Wireless Remote Controller UC-222 1 / 2 MDU51104
Wireless Control Receiver UC-222
The UC-222 is a single channel receiver of coded radio signals. It is pow-
ered by 230VAC (110VAC). Its output relay contact operates at 230VAC.
The UC-222 can be used with remote controls (RC-40,RC-11, RC-22)
and with the JA-60 wireless system items (detectors, keypads, control
panels). The UC-222 has four different operating modes and up to 30
different wireless items can be enrolled to the receiver’s non-volatile mem-
Operating voltage: 230 V ~ 50 Hz, Class II
Power consumption: 0.03 A (1 VA) / 0.05 A (1.8 VA)
Operating frequency: 433.92 MHz
Coding: digital, each item has a unique floating code
Output relay: over switching dry contact
Fused 6A at 250 V
Range (open area): with RC-11, 22 & 40 up to 30 meters
with JA-60 items up to 100 meters
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Complies with: ČSN EN 60 950, ETSI EN 300 220, ETS 300 683
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this UC-222 is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.cz, section Technical support.
Use a flexible double insulated cable (cross section 0.75 – 1.5 mm
) for
power supply connection.
Open the external cover of the unit by pressing in the internal tab of the
lock on the top (small flat screw-driver is appropriate). Unscrew the cen-
ter screw of the internal safety cover and remove this cover.
Route wires (not connected to power supply!) through the hole in the
bottom of the rear housing. Attach the housing to the desired place us-
ing the provided screws.
Fix the wires in the power supply terminals. Replace the internal cover.
230 V~
50 Hz
max. F6.3 A / 250 V
Terminal description:
NC, NO, C - output relay contact (fused for 6A)
PE - pair of connected terminals - Protective Earth (Ground)
N, L - power 230V / 50Hz
There is a setting button on the internal cover of the UC-222 and four
LED indicators. By pressing this setting button, you can scroll through
four learning (operating) modes (1 to 4) indicated by a corresponding
flashing LED indicator. When the selected mode’s LED is flashing, the
wireless item (remote control, detector etc.) can be enrolled (see
following description). As a maximum, 30 different items can be en-
rolled (assuming it is not specified for a particular item or mode).
UC-222 operating (learning) modes available
n. mode UC-222 relay reaction possible to enroll
(max. 30 items)
relay will turn on for 2 seconds
RC buttons A, B, A&B
detectors JA-60
keypads JA-60D
relay will turn on for 2 minutes
RC buttons A, B, A&B
detectors JA-60
keypads JA-60D
3 latch
relay status will change
(on - off - on -off .... )
RC buttons A, B, A&B
Keypads JA-60D
button A will turn relay on, button
B will turn relay off
JA-60M - follows sensor status
JA-60D code=on/off & F1=on
RC with button A
control panels JA-60*
keypads JA-60D*
detectors JA-60M*
* this item can not be combined with any other model and a max.of 8
items can be enrolled in this mode
Remote controls enrollment
Remote controls RC-40, RC-11& RC-22 can be used with the UC-222
unit. There are two pairs of buttons on each RC-40 (A & B and 1 & 2),
enrolling of desired pair of buttons will enable to each remote control to
send two different commands by pressing buttons A or B (1 or 2). RC-
40 can also send third command by pressing the A & B (1 & 2) buttons
simultaneously (not available with the RC-22).
By pressing a button on the remote control while a desired UC-222
learning mode is selected, you teach that button to the receiver’s
memory. The corresponding operating mode will now be associated to
this remote control button.
JA-60 detectors and keypads enrollment
Wireless detectors of theJA-60 system and the JA-
60D keypads can be taught to the memory in learning
mode no. 1 and 2 (pulse modes):
remove the batteries from the JA-60 item
select the desired learning mode of the UC-222 (no. 1
or 2)
reinstall the batteries into the JA-60 item (in the JA-60P
detector, press and hold pressed its tamper switch while
installing the batteries)
UC-222 will store the JA-60 items code in its memory
close the cover of the JA-60 item
You can combine multiple JA-60 items and RC-40,
RC-11 & RC-22 remote controls to operate a UC-222 (up to thirty).
Note: If you have a JA-60 alarm system installed, its detectors can
also be simultaneously used for house automation. For example, a JA-
60P motion detector(s) can be taught to mode no. 2 of the UC-222
which controls a light. This way the detectors not only informs your
alarm control panel about detected movement, but also automatically
turn on lights in the corresponding area.
The JA-60D keypad can also be enrolled in learning mode 3 and 4.
Each entering of a valid access code on the JA-60D will change the
condition of the UC-222 relay. If the keypad was enrolled in mode 4,
then the entering of F1 on the keypad will switch the UC-222 relay on
(a max. of 8 keypads can be enrolled in this mode and they can not be
combined with other items).
If a JA-60N detector is enrolled in mode 4, then the UC-222 relay
follows the condition of JA-60N sensor (or INP terminal). As a maximum
8 JA-60N detectors can be enrolled in this mode.
JA-60K control panel enrollment
The UC-222 can also be used as a wireless output module for the JA-
60K control panel. The UC-222 will have the same function as the PgX
programmable output of the control panel. When you want to use the
UC-222 with the control panel, all other items have to be erased from
the UC-222’s memory. The control panel can be taught to the UC-222
only in learning mode no. 4:
enter the programming mode on the JA-60K
select learning mode no. 4 of the UC-222
enter the code 299 on the JA-60K keypad
the UC-222 will store the JA-60K code in its memory
exit the JA-60K programming mode

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