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Wireless Control Receiver UC-215 1/2 MEJ51400
Wireless Control Receiver UC-215
The UC-215 is a three channel receiver of coded signals.
The status of two output relays and the output transistor is
indicated on the front panel. Up to 20 remote controls
(RC-10) can be taught to the unit. There are three different
operating modes available for each remote control.
The UC-215 can be used for control of alarm systems,
remote gate opening, garage door control, panic switch etc..
A floating code ensures a high security of transmission.
An external antenna (included) can be used as well as the
built-in antenna.
Operating voltage: 11-14 V DC
Power consumption: standby 5 mA
max. 45 mA (both relays activated)
Operating frequency: 433.92 MHz
Coding: digital, each remote control or detector
has a unique floating code
Output relays: max. 120V/1A
Output transistor: max. 12V/0.2 A
Range (open area): with RC-10 up to 30 meters
External antenna CINCH connector, 50 Ohm
Designed for indoor use only.
Open the external cover of the unit by pressing the lock on
the top. Loosen the central screw and take out the PCB. Route
wires through the hole in the bottom of the rear housing. Attach
the housing to the desired place using screws.
Terminal description:
NC, NO, C output relay dry contacts
TAMPER tamper switch output (max.12V/50mA)
OUT output of NPN transistor switching to GND
+12V, GND power voltage
Remote controls enrolling - you
can teach up to 20 different RC-10 remote
controls to the UC-215 unit. There are two
buttons on each RC-10 (A and B),
enabling each remote control to send
three different commands by pressing
button A, B or A & B simultaneously.
There are two setting buttons in the
UC-215. Button X is used for relay X
teaching, button Y is used for relay Y
teaching. By pressing the setting button
you can scroll through the three learning
(operating) modes (1 to 3) indicated by a corresponding
flashing indicator.
By pressing a button on the remote control while a desired
UC-215 learning mode is selected, you teach that button to the
receiver’s memory. The corresponding operating mode will now
be associated to this remote control button
Operating modes available (valid for X and Y relays)
MODE reaction of the relay
when RC button pressed
which RC -10
button can be
1 pulse
relay will turn on for 1 second A, B, A&B
2 latch
relay status will change to the
opposite (ON/OFF/ON...)
A, B, A&B
3 ON - OFF
button A will turn relay on, button
B turn relay off
A or B
Setting remarks
new RC buttons are added to already taught ones
after 20 RCs are taught, no other remote can be added
double flash of LEDs indicates full memory
if one button is taught for multiple modes, only the last
taught mode will remain in the UC-215 memory
you can combine different modes for different RC buttons
the output OUT will be activated only by simultaneous
pressing of A&B buttons on a remote control, which A
button was learn for X relay and B button for Y relay. The
OUT mode is the same as selected mode of relay X. This
way three independent outputs can be controlled.
selected setting mode will close after a RC button is taught,
or automatically after 10 seconds

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