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SD-212SP Optical Smoke Detector 2 MFN51204
The SD-212SP is designed to detect smoke and is well suited for
most fire detection applications. It has also built in siren to warn locally
in the case of a fire hazard. The relay jumper offers selectable NO or
NC relay output, the memory jumper enables the memory function and
also the built in siren can enabled by its jumper. The smoke detector
also performs regular auto testing.
A dispersion of infrared light on smoke particles in the optical
chamber is used in the detector. This detection is especially suitable to
detect all kinds of visible smokes, for example smoldering wood,
paper, fabrics etc. The detector can be also used to detect smokes
from sources creating small amount of smoke but fast increase of the
temperature (for example alcohol). For this situations the detector has
a built-in temperature sensor, which triggers an alarm when the
temperature exceeds 60°C-70°C (it depends on the speed of the
temperature increase)
Output relay
Power 10-15V DC
Memory ON / OFF
Siren ON / OFF
Power 10 – 15 V DC (polarity does not matter) / 3 mA (25 mA alarm)
Output relay 0,1 A / 60 V, max 16 Ω
Sensitivity m = 0,06 ÷ 0,08 dB by 1 m/s (EN 54-7)
Method of detection optical dispersion
Temperature detection 60°C – 70°C (depends on the temperature increase)
Lifetime 10 years
EMC immunity 30 V/m
Built-in siren 95 dB/m
Working environment general, indoors
Working temperature from -10 °C to +55 °C
Relative humidity 25 % to 75 %
Storage conditions -20 °C to +70 °C
Housing IP 40 (EN 60 529)
Dimensions φ120 x 40 mm
Weight 150 g
Package includes Detector SD-212SP, 2x dowel, 2x screw
Can be operated according to prEN 14604, EN 54-7
Hereby Jablotron Ltd. Declares that this SD-212SP is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.com, section Technical support.
The detector can be installed in all premises, especially where is a fire
The detector should be installed on the ceiling, with a minimum
distance 0.1m from walls and 0.6m from any corner. The detector can
protect area of about 50m
of free space. If the detector is installed in
the hallway longer than 9 meters, we recommend installing at least 2
detectors (one on each end).
Avoid its location in a place with poor air circulation in places with high
concentration of dust, in bathrooms and close to the air conditioning
units or close to the heaters.
The detector can be used in places with an increased concentration of
paint solvents or fumes from cooking. But it should not be located
close to the cooker (oil fumes can disable its function after certain
Installation steps:
Open the cover of the detector (press it from both sides – see
the picture)
Testing button
and indicator
Testing button
and indicator
Press to open
Attach the rear panel with two provided screws to the desired
location. Tighten the screws being sure that the panel is not
Set up desired functions using jumpers:
MEM ON memory function - the optical indicator will stay on
after a smoke alarm, can be terminated by
pressing of the testing button or by disconnecting
the power supply
MEM OFF optical indicator will turn off after the sensor is
cleared of the smoke
REL NO normally open relay contact provided
REL NC normally closed relay contact provided
SIR ON built in siren enabled
SIR OFF built in siren disabled
Before connecting wires to the terminal, please read the
installation manual of the used control panel
Connect wires to the terminal (for easier wiring the terminals
are removable)
Attach the detector’s front cover to the rear panel so that both
tabs click. Check that the detector is fixed firmly.
To test the detector – press and hold the testing button. The detector
should indicate alarm within 3 seconds (relay & siren if enabled). If
detector does not confirm testing by the relay reaction and acoustic
warning (or only the indicator is flashing rapidly), the sensor is not
working properly and the detector should be replaced. We recommend
testing monthly. Do not use a fire to test this detector.
Normal mode
The detector, in normal operating mode, performs self-testing every
60 seconds (indicated by the short flash of the indicator).
If a smoke is detected, the SD-212SP will start an alarm (relay & siren
– if enabled). By pressing testing button during the alarm you can
disable the built in siren sound. After the smoke concentration drops,
the detector will go to stand by mode again (if the memory function is
not enabled).
Warning: the detector can be triggered by a cigarette smoke or by a
smoke generated from cooking. It can also trigger a false alarm if there
is a high concentration of dust or fog in the air.
We recommend removing dust from the detector every 6 months as a
minimum by using a dry cloth. It is not recommended to blow to the
chamber (dust could get inside the chamber). Under any
circumstances do not try to open the optical chamber inside the
Note: although this
product does not
contain any harmful
materials we suggest
you to return the product to the
dealer or directly to the producer
after usage.

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