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Contactless access control system RP-01 1/1 VAB50202
Contactless access control system RP-01
This device works as a reader of chips (PIT) or cards (PIT). You can
program it with buttons or PC application. This product provides data
connection (RS485), therefore it can be used even for industrial
1. Technical parameters
Operating Voltage 9 ÷ 16V DC or 8 ÷ 12V AC
Standby current 35mA
terminals NO,C,NC output relay – switching contact max. 1A/125V
control unit – II. indoor use (-10°C to +40°C)
reading unit – outdoor use (IP46) (-30°C to +60°C)
dimensions (control unit) 2,99 in (w) x 4,3 in (h) x 1,299 in (d)
JabloPCB s.r.o. declares this product is in an agreement with common
requirements and other related EU regulations.
The original of the statement is posted at www.jabloPCB.cz
website in
section Technical support.
2. Installation and basic functions RP-01
2.1. Device installation
12 V
Interface RS-485LCD connector
Setting buttons
reading device
Output relay
Control unit
Reader unit
image no 1
The control unit is designed for an indoor installation. During
installation please respect placement of the reading unit as it is
connected with 1m long wire. The reading unit can be placed outdoors.
reading unit’s wire can be shortened to 0,5m. Replacement
with the different one or extension is disabled as device will not function
prior to control unit installation remove the plastic cover
take an LCD off the control unit by pulling it out – display is
attached with connector (see image no 1)
connect the reading unit to the connector (see image no 1)
check and attach power to the 12V terminals
place and fit the unit in the desired space
return LCD back to the original placement (pay extra attention
to attaching to the connector)
switch the control unit‘s power on
you will see a basic initialization on the LCD
and the unit is ready to be used
2.2. Basic setup
Unit was already set in the factory and is ready to learn (program)
individual positions. There are 999 position available + master chip
2.3. Unit learning (PIT – chips and cards)
Programming is possible either with PC controlling software (you
need to connect interface SW-01) or manually with buttons placed
under the LCD and instructions on the screen.
The Master Chip necessary to enter the learning mode is included in
the package.
Table – reading unit indicator signals
indicator Description
No light Ready to program
Green light PIT was identified and successfully learned
Red light PIT was already programmed to a different
No light Unit is ready to read PIT
Green light PIT authorized to enter – relay ties
Red light PIT unauthorized to enter – relay doesn’t tie
Green light Relay OFF
Red light Relay ON
No light Unknown PIT is read and indicator switches off
for 1s
Manual way:
There are MOD button and Master Chip to enter the programming
mode.Press and hold the MOD button for at least 2s and display will
show „check MASTER“. On this command place Master Chip on the
reading unit. Following that you will gain access into the learning mode
and first available position for programming individual PIT will be
If you don’t want to start learning individual PITs from this position you
can set any position by pressing the SEL button.The bottom row on the
screen displays the position selection options (with each press of the
SEL button).
SEL button setting options:
Position +100 and consequently every press of SET button – position
is set for hundreds 100, 200, 300...
Position +10 and consequently every press of SET button – position is
set for tens 10, 20, 30...
Position +1 and consequently every press of SET button – position is
set for ones 1, 2, 3...
(settings can be combined. For example you can set 100 then 10 and 3
= result is learning position 113)
RELAY time – see point 2.5
DELETE ? – current position will be deleted by pressing the SET button
Return to the learning mode
Setting of each option is made by pressing the SET button (it has got a
repeat function when pressed and held). Press MOD button to end
To exit learning mode press and hold MOD button. Device will go into
standby mode.
It is possible to re-program or delete any position except a learning
position „master position“ (see point 2.4).
Programming using PC application is more convenient as you can work
with files like CSV (export from Excel). The first column has to be a
learning position and the second column needs to be selected PIT´s
manufacturing code. Ignore the other possible columns.
During learning new PIT chip on an available position or into an empty
space (caused by deleted position) follow these instructions.
Access the learning mode (see point 2.3). When first available position
is offered, programm PIT by placing it on the Reading Unit. Also you
can decide which position to use at this stage. After the process of
programming the Reading Unit will offer you the next one up position. In
case this position has already been programmed to a PIT and you
use this position to learn a new PIT, the previous one will be

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