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The RC-85 transmitter (car accessory) MKF51001
10R - 01 4531
The RC-85 transmitter (car accessory)
The RC-85 is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis 80 alarm
system. It is designed to be installed inside cars with a voltage
supply of 12 to 24 V to remotely control electrical appliances
(e.g. garage doors or parking gates), in a similar way to the RC-
86 keyfob. It can also be used for sending an alarm signal from
a car.
The transmitter is not continuously powered and only transmits
a signal when connected to the power supply. It can be
configured whether a signal is sent instantly or only after two
applications of the power supply within 2 seconds.
Install the transmitter into the car’s interior (e.g. in the dash-
board) It should not be installed directly onto a metal surface (it
adversely affects the transmitter’s radio range). We recommend
securing the transmitter onto a plastic part of the car with
screws. The wires also serve as an antenna so they should not
be shorter then 30cm.
Black GND
Connecting to a positive voltage
supply sends a SET (arm) signal
Connecting to a negative voltage
supply sends an UNSET (disarm)
By connecting both wires to a voltage supply a
panic signal is sent (= both buttons are pressed
For operation in a car it is possible to use existing switches
in the car (full-beam headlight flash switch, horn – it is
recommended to have the double-pulse reaction enabled),
or, alternatively, any other suitable additional switches can
be installed.
Example of wiring in a car
To send alarm information from a car to an Oasis
system, connect the red and white wires to the car
alarm output where a positive voltage supply is present
during an alarm (e.g. the siren output).
Caution: Avoid using this output for confirming car
alarm operation (this would cause false alarms).
Double-pulse reaction
As a factory default, the transmitter will send a signal
immediately after being connected to a power supply. This
behaviour can be changed by connecting a jumper (link) inside
the transmitter. After that, both inputs will react only when a
voltage supply is connected for the second time within 2
seconds. This corresponds to a double-press of a button. This
feature allows you to prevent the appliances from reacting to
changes in voltage supply which are due to standard car
operation, e.g. turning lights on/off. If both inputs are switched
simultaneously to a voltage supply, a panic signal is always sent
immediately after the power supply has been connected for the
first time, regardless of the jumper setting.
Enrollment to a receiver
Enrolling the RC-85 transmitter is the same as in the case of the
RC-86 keyfob. But instead of pressing the buttons, the two
wires get connected to a voltage supply.
Notes about RC-85 functions
The RC-85 only sends a signal at the moment of
connecting the wires to a voltage supply. For the next
transmission, the voltage supply must first be disconnected and
then connected again. The functions of each wire are
independent – if one wire is permanently connected to a voltage
supply, the other one still works.
For controlling appliances, the UC-82 or AC-82 receivers can
be used (the transmitter is enrolled to the receiver by activation
– see the manual for the particular receiver).
For acoustic signalling, the doorbell function of the JA-80L
indoor wireless siren can be used (the transmitter is enrolled to
the siren by activation – see the manual for the siren).
For reporting a car alarm to an Oasis alarm system, the
transmitter can be enrolled to the Oasis control panel or to the
UC-82 receiver. In enrollment mode, connect both RC-85 wires
(red and white) to a positive voltage supply and keep them
connected for about 3 sec. (the same effect as simultaneously
pressing and holding a keyfob’s buttons).
When the car alarm is triggered connect power to the red wire
to transmit a signal. The device reaction in the Oasis system is
set to 4 (24 hours).
Technical specifications
Power supply 12V to 24V ± 30%
Consumption 10 / 20 mA
Communication band 868 MHz, Oasis protocol
Communication range approx. 50 m (open area)
Config. input reactions 1 or 2 pulses of voltage supply
Operational temperature range -10 to +40°C
Storage temperature range -40 to +85 °C
Dimensions, weight 84 x 53 x 25 mm, 120 g
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the RC-85 is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
ECE Regulation No.97.00 and Directive 1999/5/EC and complies with
part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications no expressly approved by Jablotron
could void the user´s authority to operate the equipment. The original of the
conformity assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com, Technical
Support section.
Note: Although this
product does not
contain any harmful
materials we suggest
you return the
product to the dealer
or directly to the
producer after use.

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