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PG-4W Pager 1/2 MEG51106
PG-4W Pager
The PG-4W pager is designed for the wireless transmission of car alarm
signals and for local area paging. Additionally, this device can be used for
remote indication of other signals. The PG-4W set includes: PG-4T trans-
mitter, PG-4R receiver, AN-02A tape antenna and a wire harness.
The transmitter can send two different signals (it has two signal inputs:
A and B). Each transmitter has a unique transmitting digital code (fac-
tory set). This code insures that only a receiver, which was set for this
code, will react to the transmitted signal. An unlimited number of receiv-
ers can be set for each transmitter.
The pocket size receiver can be carried or clipped on your belt. It
responds with an audible and visual signal if the corresponding code is
received. Different sounds distinguish between the inputs (A or B) of the
triggered transmitter. This allows for a car alarm signal to be distin-
guished from a manual triggering signals. The receiver can enroll 3 dif-
ferent transmitters (see enrolment of the transmitter).
operating voltage 10 – 16 V DC
consumption stand by - 6mA, act. 0.5 A
frequency 448.17 MHz band
radiated power 0.5 W
working distance up to 2 km (open area)
coding digital (1,000,000 unique codes)
transmitting time 3 sec.
operating temperatures -40 °C to +85 °C
antenna AN-02A, AN-03
power 1.5V, AAA battery
consumption typ. 0.9 mA
battery life typ. 1 month
indication acoustic & visual
operating temperatures
-10 °C to +50 °C
antenna built-in frame antenna
In Norway and Belgium can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
as e SRD, in another countries it has to be licenced.
complies with:
ETSI EN 300 220/2000, ETS 300 683, EN 60650/1997
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this PG-4W is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the
web page www.jablotron.cz
, section Technical support.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you to return the product to the dealer or directly to the produ-
cer after usage.
The transmitter should be installed in the passenger compartment of
a car. Avoid locating it close to any other electronic device.
Antenna - the AN-02A adhesive tape antenna should be fixed to a win-
dow. It should be located vertically at least 5 cm away from the edge of
the window. Do not install the antenna on a window with a built in de-
froster. Do not cut the antenna cable nor try to increase its length. If you
do not need the whole cable, bind the unused part and fix it to the wire
harness. Do not install the antenna if outside temperature is lower then
10 degrees.
The wire-harness is equipped with a connector, making installation
easy. If you do not use some wires in the harness, you can release the
wires from the connector (press the connector tab inside the housing
with a narrow screwdriver).
Red = positive +12 V power supply. It should be connected directly to the
positive terminal of the battery cable. Connect this wire only after you fin-
ish the installation. After switching on the power supply, the transmitter
will send the signal of the triggering of input A. (This feature can be used
for a simple two-wire connection to a car alarm output.)
Black = GND Supply. Connect this wire to the original GND in the car.
Blue = trigger input A (receiver will react with the sound – – – – )
Green = trigger input B (receiver will react with the sound ... ... ... )
Both inputs are triggered whenever they are connected or disconnected
with the GND. A red LED indicator confirms transmitter activation.
White = when transmitting the 5V signal is present on this output. An
external LED can be connected to indicate the transmission (1 kOhm
serial resistor is enclosed to the PG-4T).
Pink = data input for connection to Jablotron CA-320 Accent or CA-10
Rex car alarms. If you connect this input to AUX data pin of the Accent
or Rex car alarm, you do not need to connect the blue and green wires.
Car alarm signal will trigger input A and a simultaneous pressing of
both remote control buttons will trigger input B. The wire is not installed
in the wire harness. You have to insert it to position No.6.
The remaining pins on the connector are not used. They are for future
applications. Do not connect them.
LED indicator on the transmitter indicates:
transmitting – it is on during transmission
low battery – two quick flashes
failure – three quick flashes
Examples of installations with Jablotron’s car alarms are shown in
the diagrams.
The pager can also be connected to the alarm outputs of other car
alarms. Functioning is then based on the alarm features and cannot be
guaranteed by Jablotron.
The trigger inputs can also be connected to any sensor (e.g. door
contacts) directly. Sensor activation will then trigger the transmitter and
will be indicated by the receiver.
Preparing the receiver
Insert a AAA size battery in to the PG-4R receiver. The receiver will
sound a short beep. Once the battery is installed, the receiver is ready.
You can check the readiness anytime by pressing the receiver button – a
short beep will confirm operation.
Switching ON and OFF
To switch the receiver OFF press the button on it 3 times rapidly. Turn-
ing OFF is confirmed with a fading sound.
To switch ON, press and hold the button for 3 seconds. Turning ON is
confirmed with a short beep. If a long beep sounds, the battery is low.
When alarm signal is received
the receiver reacts with audible and visual signals
By the type of sound, you can distinguish whether input A (– – –) or
B (... ... ... ) has been activated
You can stop the signals (confirm reception) by briefly pressing the
If the button is not pressed within 15 seconds, the information will
be automatically stored into the memory. The receiver will then
beep every 30 seconds. When pressing the button you will hear
the original signal corresponding to the input A or B triggering and
the memory signal will stop.
Transmitter enrollment
The receiver included in the set has already been taught the transmit-
ter’s signal in the factory. If you install a new receiver to the transmitter,
perform following:
Press and hold pressed the button on the receiver when installing
the battery. After about 5 seconds you will hear an acoustic signal
and the indicator will start to flash (learning mode).
Trigger transmitter’s input (A or B), the receiver will enroll the
transmitter code (and corresponding alarm signal will sound).
Up to 3 different transmitters can be enrolled to the receiver.
To erase all transmitters from the receiver, open learning mode
and then press and hold pressed the receiver’s button for 2 sec-
onds. Repeated short beeps will confirm the reset.
Battery check
The receiver performs an automatic battery check. If the battery is low,
the receiver will beep continuously for 10 seconds. After this signal the
receiver will remain ready for some time and 3 short beeps will sound
every 15 minutes. If you press the button, three beeps will sound (low
battery warning). Replace the battery as soon as possible.
Battery replacement
Use only new high quality alkaline AAA battery. After inserting a new bat-
tery, a short beep must be heard. If a continuous beep or no beep is
heard, the battery is low or not installed correctly.
this manual is valid only for the receiver version PG-4R v.02
(see label in the battery compartment)!!!

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