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The JK-84 “Oasis” wireless alarm kit 2 / 2 MKE59901
4. Enrolling more wireless devices
The system can be extended with more wireless devices (a maximum
of 50 can be enrolled). To enroll another device, the CP should be in
service mode, if it is not enter 0 8080 (while the system is unset).
1. On the keypad, key in 1 to enter enrollment mode.
2. The next vacant address is displayed (scroll to other addresses
using the arrow keys if desired).
3. Connect up the device’s battery to enroll the device to the CP.
Successful enrollment is confirmed by the A indicator lighting. The
next vacant address is then displayed.
o The RC-86 key-fob can also be enrolled by pressing and holding
a pair of its buttons
+ (or + ).
4. Exit enrollment mode by pressing the # key.
To enroll the CP to UC-82 or AC-82 modules, enter 299 while the
CP is in service mode with the receiving module in enrollment mode.
5. Testing device functionality
1. The CP should be in Service mode, if not enter 0 8080
2. First trigger the device under test (e.g. a detector). The keypad
(with its flip cover open) then indicates triggering of the device if
the device is functioning correctly and is enrolled.
Motion detectors are best tested within 15 minutes of closing their
covers as after that they only react to frequent movements once
every 5 minutes (to restart a device’s test mode, open and close the
detector housing again).
6. Checking a device’s radio signals
1. The CP must have its antenna connected and should be in Service
mode, if not enter 0 8080
2. Enter 298, the lowest address with enrolled device will be displayed.
3. Trigger the device linked to this address – the keypad (with its
flip cover open) then shows the device’s signal strength in the
range ¼ to 4/4 (it should be at least 2/4, if not, relocate the device)
o Motion detectors are best tested within 15 minutes of closing their
covers as after that they only react to frequent movements once
every 5 minutes (to restart a device’s test mode, open and close
the detector housing again).
o To test the JA-80F keypad signal, trigger the connected magnetic
door sensor or activate the keypad’s tamper sensor.
o To test the JA-80L siren signal, press the siren’s button.
4. To select the next enrolled device address use the arrow keys.
5. To exit signal measurement mode, press the # key.
7. Programming the system
1. The CP should be in Service mode, if not enter 0 8080
2. Enter the appropriate programming sequences to select the desired
functions (a complete list of them is in the CP and communicator
Function Sequence Note
New service code
5 xxxx
Factory default: 8080
xxxx = new code
Exit delay 20x
x = multiples of 10 sec.
(e.g. 205 = 50 sec)
Factory default: 30 sec
Entrance delay 21x
x = multiples of 5 sec.
(e.g. 204 = 20 sec)
Factory default: 20sec
Alarm duration 22x
x = 1 to 8 means 1 to 8 minutes
and 9 means 15min.
Factory default: 4 min
Time and date entry 4 hh mm DD MM YY
8. Editing keypad text strings
1. The CP should be in Service mode, if not enter 0 8080
2. Press and hold the ? key to enter editing mode.
3. Keys: 1 & 7 scroll through characters and numbers,
4 & 5 move the cursor,
2 erases the highlighted character,
& are for the selection of text strings,
# exits editing mode.
Editing text only affects the text in that particular keypad. A more
convenient way of text editing is with a PC running Olink software.
9. Finishing off the installation
1. Exit service mode via the # key and demonstrate clearly how to
operate the system to the user(s).
2. Recommend the user to change the default master 1234 code to a
new master code.
Entry Function
code / card Setting/unsetting (arming and disarming)
ABC Complete arming (all sections)
A Partially setting A (if used)
B Partially setting AB (if used)
Reading the event memory (4 scrolls backwards)
Changing the MASTER code/card (e.g. *5 1234
2789 2789)
To create a new user code/card (e.g. *6 1234 03
3344 programs user code number 3, to erase the
code enter: *6 1234 03 0000)
7 code/card
To secretly signal operation (unsetting) under duress
8 a 9
PGX and PGY control (if used)
Maintenance mode (testing, overview of codes,
Exiting maintenance mode or terminating an
incomplete entry
Displays status details (triggered detectors, fault
causes or the status of PG outputs …..)

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