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The JA-89P wireless motion detector 1/2 MKU51102
The JA-89P wireless outdoor PIR detector
The JA-89P is an outdoor intruder detector designed to detect human body
movement in a protected area. It supplements a double-zone PIR sensor
produced by Optex with a Jablotron transmitter enabling the sensor to be
used within JA-80 OASiS systems. Both the PIR sensor and the transmitter
are powered by a lithium battery. Sharing the power source allows low voltage
reports to be transmitted to the control panel in the standard way. The
detector is equipped with two tamper sensors (front and back) capable of
signalling that the detector’s cover has been opened or that the detector has
been torn off its position. Self testing is performed automatically on a regular
basis including reporting detector status to the control panel. These properties
make the JA-89P a standard component of Jablotron’s OASiS system.
Choose a proper place for detector installation according to the following:
1. Install the detector perpendicular to the ground to make the upper
detection area parallel to the ground.
2. The installation height is 0.8 – 1.2 m.
3. Mount the detector so that the majority of traffic flow is across the
detection pattern.
4. Avoid positions where moving or waving objects like cars, plants or trees
might appear in the detection area. Avoid positions where the detector
can be affected by strong light sources, e.g. reflected sunlight.
3.1.1. 3.
1.2 m
Installation, step by step:
1. Unscrew the lock screw located on the bottom side of the upper cover and
remove the cover.
2. Unscrew the screws fastening the optical part of the detector and remove
this part by tipping it up.
3. Disconnect the rear tamper sensor cable.
4. You can fix the detector to an even plate using either two non-skimmed
holes or four skimmed holes located in the corners of the rear cover.
5. Use the drilling template supplied in the package for marking all the spots
relevant to detector fixing as well as to fixing the rear tamper magnet.
6. Alternatively, you can install the detector on a pole (Ø 43 – 48 mm) using
straps supplied with the package. However, this way of installation
disables the rear tamper switches (tear-off signalling) – you have to short
out the transmitter tamper inputs using a jumper.
7. After the bottom plastic cover has been fixed, insert the rear TAMPER
connector into the terminal marked TMP IN.
Caution: Never touch the detection surface of the PIR sensor.
Optical part
Upper cover
Lock screw
Fixing part
Adjustment switches
Rear tamper connection
Powering up and enrollment
The transmitter of wireless communication signals is located below the
detector’s optical part. Study the installation manual of the receiver (control
panel) first to learn how to enter enrollment mode. Only use a lithium battery
of type AA 3.6 V. The correct battery position is marked on the battery holder.
After a battery is inserted the transmitter sends an enrollment signal to the
receiver. The control panel – if used as a receiver – must be in enrollment
mode. You can use the detector’s switch No. 2 to configure control panel
reactions (ON = Instant, OFF = Delayed). Switch No. 1 should be OFF.
Rear tamper
Switch No. 1
Switch No. 2
Set to
pulse mode
3.6V AA
The JA-89P detector transmitter
Optical part adjustment
The detector’s optical part contains two PIR sensors each having its own
detection plane. The detection area angle of the lower sensor can be
configured over a wide range. The sensors operate with AND logic: an alarm
signal is generated only if both sensors are triggered (if both detection planes
are crossed). You can adjust the detection plane slope of the lower sensor by
a shifting lever according to the picture below.
distance 0 - 12 m
distance 0 - 2 m
distance 0 - 5 m
distance 0 - 8 m
The following table provides a summary of detection length
The lower sensor max. detection length
Standard See note below:
A 10 m 8.0 to 12.0 m
B 8 m 6.0 to 10.0 m
C 5 m 4.0 to 5.5 m
D 2 m 1.5 to 2.5m
Note: The maximum detection length of the lower detection plane may
vary as above due to environmental thermal conditions. This must be
taken into consideration during detection range adjustment.
Protected area
Positions A,B,C,D
Unprotected area
The detection area angle is 90°. The direction can be adjusted in 15° steps
by rotating the detector’s plastic part. The detector lens covers the whole
angle of 180° - therefore it does not require any adjustment.

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