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JA-88P outdoor wireless motion detector 2 / 2 MKU52103
Setting up the optical part of the PIR detector
The optical part of the detector contains two PIR sensors with non-
overlapping 94 lobe detection and high false alarm and pet detection
Installation at 3.0 m
above the floor
12 m
12 m
16 m
When installing the detector 2.5m
above the floor, use the joint holder
and swivel the detector by 2.5°(one
click) upwards to achieve a 12m
detection distance.
The above-mentioned detection characteristics apply if the detector is
installed vertically in the guarded area. If a shorter detection range is
required, do not tilt the detector on the joint. Use the supplied self-adhesive
mask foils:
9 m
4 m
5,5 m
Masking using strips of the supplied foil can also be used to avoid
unwanted moving objects (e.g. a tree). Use the supplied protective hood for
protection against sun and rain.
The joint can be used to adjust the detector position along two axes. When
installing the detector at the height of 2.5m, swivel it by 2.5° (one click)
upwards to achieve a 12m detection range.
Setting up the electronic part of the PIR detector
It is possible to set three levels of detector sensitivity using the switch on
the left of the bottom PIR – the levels are marked with letters:
L low – low sensitivity for places with false alarm risks
M middle – medium sensitivity
H high – high detection sensitivity
Other detector parameters can be set with a switch:
normal operation area coverage test
energy saving mode 120 s 5 s
standard detection increased detection immunity
Keep set as shown here
Keep set as shown here
LED indication disabled LED indication enabled
Area coverage test (DIP1) – the energy saving mode is not applied and
each detectable movement is indicated by an LED. The alarm is always
transmitted regardless of the energy saving mode settings (DIP2). The
energy saving mode (DIP2) is similar to that of the JA-80P detector. When
the detector is activated and transmits the information to the control panel, it
stops detecting motion for a set time. The activation of the LED (DIP6)
serves as an indication of the detector function – i.e. the area coverage. The
detector always transmits information to the control panel – disable the LED
to save the batteries in ordinary operation.
Operation testing
When the batteries are connected, the detector needs approx. 90 seconds
for stabilization. The LED keeps flashing all the time. Use the switch to
commence the area coverage test. Test the correct coverage of the guarded
area and whether the detector detects motion outside the guarded area.
Each movement is indicated by a flashing detector LED and the information
is concurrently sent to the control panel.
When you have tested the correct functioning of the detector, stop the area
coverage test, check whether the indication LED is off and set the energy
saving mode to 120s. This is necessary to meet the declared battery lifetime.
Normal detector operation
Each time the sensor is activated, the information is transmitted by a radio
signal. When the detector cover is opened or the detector is removed from
the bearing plate, a tamper signal is transmitted. The detector also regularly
(every 9 minutes) transmits control signals which serve the control panel to
check the presence and readiness of all devices in the installed system.
The masking protection function
The detector has an anti-masking function – i.e. protection against
masking of the detector’s field of sight. If an object is detected in front of
the detector for more than three minutes, the detector sends a tamper
Three short flashes of the LED indicate masking (the LED must be
enabled). When the object has been removed, the indication (tamper
signal) ceases after one minute.
It is possible to set three levels of this function using the switch on the right
of the bottom PIR – the levels are marked with letters:
HI high – high masking detection sensitivity
STD standard – standard masking detection sensitivity
OFF off – function disabled (default setting)
This function is disabled as a default.
Checking the status of and replacing batteries.
The detector checks battery status automatically and if the batteries are
running low, it informs the system that they need replacing. The detector
remains fully functional. The batteries should be changed as soon as
possible (within 1 week). Use 3.6 V AA batteries exclusively and always
replace all three at the same time. When the cover has been closed, the
detector switches to normal operating status.
Technical specifications
Power supply 3x type LS(T)14500 (AA 3.6 V 2 Ah) lithium batteries
Average battery lifetime approx. 3 years (with 120 s energy saving mode)
Operating frequency 868 MHz
Range – distance from the control panel up to 300 m with direct visibility
Optex detector parameters
Detection characteristics 12 m / 85° ; 94 segments
Recommended installation height 2.5 – 3.0 m
Object motion speed 0.3 – 1.5 ms
Battery saving timer adjustable 5 s or 120 s
Detector cover conformance IP55
Max. relative humidity of the environment 95%
Operating temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Environment class according to EN 50131-1 IV
Security grade according to OPTEX
Weight 620 g
Comply with ETSI EN 300220, EN 50130-4, EN 55022, EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the
JA-88P is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
The original of the conformity assessment can be found
at www.jablotron.com - Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any
harmful materials we suggest you return the
product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after use.

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