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The JA-87P dual zone outdoor wireless motion detector - curtain 1 MKU53102
The JA-87P dual zone outdoor wireless motion detector - curtain
The JA-87P wireless outdoor detector with curtain lens characteristics is
designed to indicate disturbances outside the building caused by human bodies. It
is a dual zone outdoor detector by Optex with a 5° angular width detection zone
which makes it very suitable for guarding narrow spaces such as balconies, French
doors, terraces, etc. It is supplemented with a transmitter compatible with JA-8x
OASiS systems. Both the detector and the transmitter are powered by a lithium
battery. The common power supply is beneficial as the low battery signal is
transmitted to a control panel as standard. The detector is equipped with three
TAMPER contacts (at the front on the detection part and the front and rear on the
transmission part), which immediately report opening of the detector cover or its
tearing from the place of installation. The detector can also have the anti-masking
function activated. The detector reports its current status via control transmissions
to the system.
Detector position and installation
The following instructions should be followed when selecting the place for detector
1. The detector should be attached to a vertical wall
2. The detector should be installed 0.8 – 1.2 m above the ground
3. The best movement detection is provided when the detection zones intersect
4. No other moving objects (bushes, trees, high grass, etc.) should be situated in
the field of sight of the detector. Avoid direct action by strong sources of light
(sun reflections).
Detector installation procedure
1. The detector consists of two
parts: the detecting one (1)
and the transmission one (2).
Their mutual position can be
adjusted according to the
picture. Punch holes for wires
in the plastic transmission
part of the detector
depending on which position
of the parts you have
selected (there are holes
indicated on the plastic for
this purpose).
2. Unscrew and remove the
detecting part cover. The
position of the detecting part
is fixed with a toothed plastic lug which should be moved upwards. Then remove
the whole part with the electronics by bending the upper part of the plastic and
pulling the swivel part towards you. You will thus make the installation holes
located under this part accessible.
Warning: Do not touch the sensors during handling
3. Pull the bundle of cables through the punched hole into the transmission part.
4. Attach the detecting and the transmission part to the wall using the supplied
screws (mind the correct orientation – marked with an upward-facing arrow on
the plastic).
5. Reassemble the detecting part.
6. Use the supplied self-adhesive plastic posts to attach the transmission module
to the bottom of the transmission part so that the function switch is located in the
top left corner. Place the DPS as high as possible – the bottom screw which
attaches the plastic base to the wall must be visible. You will thus avoid possible
interference with the antenna resulting in reduced detector range.
7. Use connectors to interconnect the wiring between the detector parts (cannot be
mixed up).
8. If you use the rear tamper (recommended), remove the jumper from the pins on
the board and plug in the tamper connector (regardless of polarity). The ring
magnet included in the package should be attached on the wall in the
corresponding position under the transmission part of the detector.
Switching on and enrolling the detector into the system
Rear tamper
Switch No. 1
Switch No. 2
must be in
pulse mode
3 / 3,6V AA
Study the control panel (receiver unit) installation manual before inserting the
battery. Use AA 3.6V lithium batteries only. The correct position of the battery is
indicated on the battery holder. When the battery has been installed, the
transmitter sends a signal which enrolls it to the control panel. The control panel
must be in enrollment mode at that time. Use switch no. 2 to set system reaction to
detected movement (ON = instant or OFF = delay). Switch no. 1 should remain in
the OFF position.
Setting up the optical part of the detector
A detection range of 5 m or 2 m can be set. The setting is done by turning the
bottom detector lens (closer to the centre of the cover). The lens shape is
designed so that its projecting part uncovers the detection distance which you have
selected when it is inserted back into the plastic base (see the picture below). Do not
turn the upper lens!
Other detector properties can be set using a switch in the detector
1 test mode normal operation
2 5 sec energy saving mode 120 sec
3 fault signal triggers N.O NC
4 LED enabled LED disabled
5 normal immunity of detection increased immunity of detection
6 anti-masking enabled anti-masking disabled
The default settings are in bold letters.
The detection part can be turned in a 190° range with locking after each 5°.
When the required angle has been set, use the plastic lug to prevent further
movement. The angle is fixed completely when the cover with the lenses is put
back and the screw is tightened.
Checking the status of and replacing batteries
The detector checks battery status and automatically reports a low battery to the
system. The detector remains fully functional. The batteries should be changed as
soon as possible (within 1 week).
The control panel must be in service or maintanace mode before you start
changing the battery. Use 3.6V AA batteries only. When the cover has been
closed, the detector switches to normal operating status
Note: If you insert a nearly drained battery into the detector by mistake, the
sensor does not start working and this status is indicated with transmitter LED
flashing. If the battery is completely drained, the detector does not react at all.
Technical specifications
Power 1x type LS(T)14500 (AA 3.6 V / 2 Ah) lithium battery
Average battery lifetime approx. 3 years (with 120 s energy saving mode)
Operating frequency band 868 MHz
Range – distance from the control panel up to 300 m with direct visibility
Optex detector parameters
Detection characteristics 2 or 5 m / 5°
Recommended installation height 0.8 – 1.2 m
Object motion speed 0.3 – 1.5 m / s
Detector cover conformance IP55
Environment according to EN 50131-1 IV
Operating temperature range -20°C to +60°C
Max. relative humidity of the environment 95%
Security rating according to OPTEX
Complies with ETSI EN 300 220, EN 50130-4, EN 55022, EN 60950-1
Weight 190 g
Can be operated according to CTU VO-R/10/06.2009-11
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the JA-87P is
in compliance with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of Directive
1999/5/EC. The original of the conformity
assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com
Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any
harmful materials we suggest you return the product
to the dealer or directly to the producer after use.

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