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JA-84P wireless motion detector with built-in camera 1 / 2 MHP56103
The JA-84P wireless motion detector with built-in camera
The JA-84P is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis 80 alarm system. It provides
human body movement detection including visual alarm verification. The
detector’s camera is equipped with a flash and infrared light to take photos in
the dark. The camera is capable of taking monochromatic pictures with a
resolution of 160x128 pixels. A sequence of 4 photos is taken when
movement is detected. It is stored in the detector’s internal memory and it is
also transmitted wirelessly to the control panel to be sent to an alarm
receiving center and/or to the owner’s mobile phone display. The battery-
powered detector communicates via the OASIS radio protocol.
Recommended control panel configuration
To transfer photos from the protected premises, the control panel
should be equipped with a suitable communicator (model JA-80Y =
GSM/GPRS software version XA61006 or higher or JA-80V = LAN/PSTN
software version XA64004 or higher) and with the JA-80Q data
processing module connected to the communicator’s internal bus
The communicator allows programming of an IP address to which the
photos will be transferred (see the JA-80Q installation manual). This server
allows the logging into and display of the photos free of charge. It can also
notify you by SMS message when a new photo arrives, providing a link to
view the photo on the phone display. The server can also forward the photos
to a desired e-mail address.
Multiple camera detectors can be enrolled to the control panel. If more of
the detectors take photos within a very short period of time, the detectors will
transfer the photos to the control panel in the same order as the detectors
were triggered.
Installation and testing of the motion detector
Installation should only be undertaken by technicians holding a certificate
issued by an authorized distributor. The detector can be installed on a flat
wall or in the corner of a room. Avoid objects rapidly changing in
temperature, such as electrical heaters, gas appliances etc. being positioned
within its detection area. Moving objects with a temperature close to that of
humans such as curtains moving above a radiator, and pets should also be
avoided. Detectors should not face windows or spotlights or be near fast-
moving air e.g. near ventilation fans or open windows or doors. There should
also be no obstacles blocking the detector’s “view” of the protected area.
Keep the detector away from metal objects which could interfere with radio
1. Open the detector cover by pressing the tab and disconnect the
camera’s flat cable (pulling the connector placed next to the batteries)
2. Remove the PCB which is held by an internal tab. Avoid touching the
PIR element
3. Punch screw holes through the rear plastic cover. At least one screw
should penetrate the tamper-sensitive section (be careful not to break the
tamper sensitive section out).
4. Screw the rear cover to the wall, about 2.0 – 2.5 meters above the floor
(vertically, with the tab down).
5. Replace the PCB to its original position.
6. Leave the battery disconnected and the cover open (camera
disconnected) and then follow the control panel manual to enroll the
detector. The basics of enrollment are:
a) Enter enrollment mode on the control panel by pressing “1” while in
Service mode.
b) Install batteries into the detector to activate enrollment.
If the detector’s batteries have already been connected, first
disconnect them, press and release the tamper switch and then
reconnect the batteries
c) Exit enrollment mode by pressing “#”
d) Leave the control panel in SERVICE mode.
e) The detector can be used without a control panel - see stand alone
7. Connect the camera cable and close the detector’s cover. If the red
LED is permanently lit, it means that the motion detector is warming up (it
usually takes about 100 sec. after the batteries are connected). If the red
LED is flashing, the detector has not been enrolled yet (see point 6).
8. After the red LED turns off test the motion sensor by walking in the
covered area (detected movement is indicated by red LED flashes). Also
test the detector’s radio signal strength – see the control panel
installation manual for details. Testing is only possible within 15 minutes
of closing the detector’s cover. After this period the red LED is switched
9. If the detector is not in test mode, it ignores frequent movements (see
sleep time chapter).
Detector DIP switches
1 2 3 4
USB plug
release tap
There are 4 DIP switches to select the desired features:
OFF = delay reaction (exit & entrance delay provided)
ON = instant reaction (no exit & entrance delay)
This switch only has an effect if the detector’s address has a
NATUR reaction programmed in the control panel
OFF = standard immunity for the motion sensor
ON = increased immunity for the motion sensor (slower reaction)
OFF = flash disabled (except for testing)
ON = flash enabled (second to fourth shots with flash)
Note: The IR light works independently of the DIP 3 setting
OFF = photos stored only in the camera (not transmitted)
ON = photos stored in the camera memory and also
transmitted wirelessly to the control panel
Bold = factory default setting
Motion detector coverage
The detection characteristics of the PIR detector lens does not affect the
detector‘s camera components. The PIR lens covers an angle of 50° and a
distance of 12 metres. The area is covered by three beams as shown in the
following diagram. The horizontal camera capture angle is 50° and the range
of the flash is up to 3 meters around the detector.
Top view
Side view
Side view

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