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The JA-82ST wireless combined smoke and heat detector MZZ57300
1: The INS alarm mode jumper sets the reaction of the system. FIRE =
alarm is triggered even if the system is disarmed while INST = alarm is
triggered only in an armed system. The INS jumper only has an effect if
the detector has a natural reaction assigned to its address in the Oasis
control panel. It also has no effect when used with a UC-8x or AC-8x
Warning: In the INS position, while the system is disarmed, it is not
protecting against fire. This setting also fully disables the optical
and acoustic indication on the detector itself.
2: MEM Alarm memory: If the event memory is ON at the time of alarm,
alarm LED indication continues even if normal conditions are restored.
The indication can be stopped by pressing the button (indication is valid
only for FIRE settings).
3 and 4: SMOKE / TEMP sensor participation
Optical smoke sensor: Smoke entry into the detector is indicated as a
pre-alarm state by the LED flashing. If the smoke threshold density is
exceeded, a siren sound is generated (indication is valid only for FIRE
Temperature sensor: indication logic is equal to that of the smoke sensor.
Whenever the detector cover is opened, a tamper signal is sent.
Fire alarm
Optical detector: When smoke penetrates into the detector, the
detector starts flashing red and sending an alarm signal.
Heat detector: When the temperature reaches the set limits, the
detector starts flashing red and sending an alarm signal.
Alarm memory: If it is enabled, alarm indication with slow flashing
continues for a further 30 minutes even when the smoke clears. The
indication can also be terminated by turning the detector anti-clockwise to
activate the tamper sensor.
Tamper alarm: When the detector cover is opened, the detector
sends a tamper signal.
Detector testing and maintenance
The functioning of the detector can be tested with a special spray
designed for smoke detector testing to simulate fire. The test should be
carried out once in 30 days. The detector’s cover should be cleaned
regularly from dust.
Warning: never test the detector with fire.
Battery replacement
The system sends a report automatically when the battery is low.
Optical indication then flashes briefly once every 30 seconds. Remember
to switch the system to Service mode before changing the batteries
(otherwise a tamper alarm will be triggered). It is always essential to
replace all three batteries. Use the same type and the same brand for all
three. When all batteries have been inserted into the detector, a test is
carried out automatically. The test checks the battery voltage and the
sensor status and the information is then sent to the control panel.
Fault indication
The detector checks its functioning. If it detects a fault, its Optical
indication starts flashing rapidly for 1 minute and then it flashes briefly
three times every 30 seconds. In such a case, take out the battery for 1
minute and then insert it again. If the LED indicator starts flashing again
after 1 minute, send the detector to a service centre.
Technical specifications
Power 3 x AA 1.5V; 2.4Ah alkaline batteries
Typical lifetime approx. 3 years
Communication band 868.5 MHz, OASiS protocol
Communication range approx. 300 m (unrestricted area)
Dimensions diameter 126 mm, height 50 mm
Smoke detection optical light scattering
Smoke detector sensitivity m = 0.11 - 0.13 dB/m according to EN 54-7
Heat detection class A2 according to EN 54-5
Alarm temperature +60°C to +70°C
Operating temperature range -10°C to +80°C
Complies with EN 54-5, EN 54-7, EN 54-25,
Also complies with ETSI EN 300220, EN 50130-4
EN 55022, EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the JA-82ST detector is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directives 1989/106/EC
and 1999/5/EC. The original of the conformity assessment can be found at
- Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use. For more detailed information visit

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