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JA-82K control panel installation manual - 3 - MKH51103
Device installation shall only be undertaken by
qualified technicians holding a training
certificate issued by an authorized distributor.
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible
for any damage or consequences related to the
improper or incorrect installation of this
1 Control panel architecture
The JA-82K control panel is a modular unit, with 50 addresses (marked
01 to 50). The heart of the unit is the JA-82K main board with 4 wired inputs.
The following additional modules can be plugged into this board:
JA-82R – a radio module which makes it possible to enrol up to 50
wireless devices of the JA-8x and RC-8x range to the control panel.
JA-82C an extension module which provides 10 additional wired
inputs, thus extending the total capacity to 14 wired inputs. (adresses
05 to 14)
A communicator can also be used with the control panel:
JA-8xY – a GSM communicator which the control panel uses for
transmitting alarm reports to the user and which communicates with the
ARC (alarm receiving centre) via the GSM band. It also enables remote
access via a phone keypad, or system administration via the GSMLink
website (JA-80Y only) or via Olink software running on an internet
enabled computer (JA-82Y only).
JA-80V – a LAN (Ethernet) computer network communicator combined
with a phone-line communicator. It allows communication with the ARC
via LAN and transmission of reports via a telephone line. It also
enables system administration via the GSMLink application.
JA-80Q – must be used in combination with JA-80Y or JA-80V for
handling the pictures from the JA-84P (not needed when the JA-82Y
communicator is used).
JA-80X – a phone-line communicator which is able to communicate
with an ARC and which allows voice-reporting to the user pursuant to
the type of alarm. This module can be used in combination with a JA-
80Y – a GSM phone-line backup.
The JA-68 outputs module can also be used with the control panel – e.g. to
provide a link to the transmitter for communication with the surveillance centre.
The control panel box also houses the power supply and space for a backup
battery (up to 2,2 Ah). For a view of the control panel case see fig. 17.
1.1 Required system configuration
The requirements of technical standards (namely of the EN 50131 series)
should be observed when planning the system structure. The OASiS control
panel complies with safety grade 2. It must have one of the following
configurations as a minimum:
at least two non-backup-battery sirens (JA-80L or SA-105) + ATS2
class communicator (JA-8xY, JA-80V or JA-80X)
at least one backup-battery siren (JA-80A or OS-360/365/300) + ATS2
class communicator (JA-8xY, JA-80V or JA-80X)
no siren + ATS3 class communicator (JA-80Y or JA-80V)
Note: the above-recommended configurations are based on the EU
standard EN-50131-1 valid at the time of issuing this manual
2 Preparing the control panel for installation
The control panel can be attached to the wall using 3 screws. If the
control panel communicates via radio, it should not be installed near any
large metal objects capable of shielding radio communication. Route cables
(power supplies, telephone leads etc.) inside the control panel before tightly
screwing in the screws.
3 Control panel main board
1. Connector for a JA-82R wireless module .
2. Memory chip – for more information see 3.6.
3. Connector for communicators JA-8xY, and possibly a JA-8Q for the
manipulation of pictures from detector type JA-84P.
4. Connector for the JA-82C wired input module – it is designed for an
input module using addresses from L5 to L14.
5. Digital bus connector.
6. The heart beat LED.
7. The internal wiring connector.
8. RESET link –normally open and serves for resetting the system (if it is
short-circuited when the control panel power supply is being switched
on). This link can also be used to enter control panel enrollment mode
by briefly shorting the link while the control panel is powered.
9. Fuse for U+ terminal.
10. Switch enabling/disabling L1 ... L4 wired inputs.
11. Terminals for transformer output (AC power).
12. Terminals.
fig. 1 Control panel main board
3.1 Main board terminal description:
01 to 04 and COM are hard-wired inputs for the control panel. The
reactions to triggering inputs 01 to 04 are determined by the
settings of addresses 01 to 04. The factory set natural
reaction for these hard-wired inputs is a delayed alarm in
section C.
EW external warning output, (max. 0.5A). This output is grounded
during an alarm. The EW output status is also transmitted for
the wireless EW siren.
IW internal warning output. This output is grounded during an
alarm. A hardwired siren can be wired between +U and IW
terminals (max. 0.5A). The IW output status is also
transmitted for the wireless IW siren.
The difference between the internal warning (IW) output function and the
external warning (EW) one lies in their behaviour during the entrance delay
period. If any instant reaction detectors are triggered during the entrance
delay period, (e.g. by a child running straight to the living room during
disarming), only an internal warning is triggered and then the external
warning follows only if the entrance delay has been exceeded (but no longer
than 30 seconds).
PGX, PGY a pair of programmable outputs. When activated, the outputs
switch to GND, with a maximum load of 0.1A/12V. The
factory-default setting of PGX is the ON/OFF function
(operated by the instruction 81 / 80 or using ON and
#OFF keys). PGY is activated if any part of the system is
armed. The status of PG outputs is also transmitted to AC
and UC wireless output modules by the control panel.
GND common ground connection
A,B digital bus data signals.
+U back-up power supply (10 to 14 V), 1A fuse. Max. Continuous
load 0,4A (max. Intermittent load 1A, for 15 minutes, once an
hour). If the 1A fuse is blown, the control panel will indicate a
power supply fault and if armed the alarm is triggered.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jablotron JA-82K OASIS

Jablotron JA-82K OASIS Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 23 pagina's

Jablotron JA-82K OASIS Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 23 pagina's

Jablotron JA-82K OASIS Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 1 pagina's

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