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The JA-81E hard-wired keypad 1 / 1 MLH51101
The JA-81E hard-wired keypad
The JA-81E is a component of Jablotron’s OASiS alarm system and is
designed to control and program the system. It has a built-in proximity access
card reader and allows the wiring up of a separate door detector. The keypad
should be wired to the control panel.
Installation shall only be undertaken by technicians holding a certificate
issued by an authorized distributor. The keypad is for indoor installation only,
typically by a main entrance door.
1. Open the keypad housing by pressing the tab on the bottom using a
screwdriver. The tab is also accessible from the front after opening the key
2. Install the rear housing to the desired location.
3. Connect the control panel bus cable. There are two possibilities:
o Use a twisted-pair cable (+U and GND is one pair and data A and B is
the second, length max. 100m) for final keypad installation. The
correspondingly marked terminals in the keypad unit and in the control
panel should be connected together (GND, A, B, +U).
o Use a flat four-wire telephone cable with RJ connectors (max. 10
metres) but only for temporary (test) installation. There is a digital bus
connector called LINE in the control panel, and in the keypad too. See
fig. 1.
4. Install the external door detector (if required) and connect its cable to
the IN and GND terminals. See fig. 2.
5. Keypad operating instructions are found in the control panel manual.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
0 #
fig. 1 Connection with the control panel
Keypad menu
If the key is kept pressed while the keypad is being powered-up the
internal keypad menu will be displayed. Using the arrows on keys 1 and 7 you
can scroll through the menu:
Display Key Description
Tamper ON
Disable / Enable the tamper sensor
(only for service purposes)
Door chime ON
Disable / Enable sound when IN triggered
Beeper ON
Disable / Enable system sounds
Sets the display brightness 0 - 9
Sets the display contrast 0 - 9
Edit text
Entry to keypads text editing
Sets English (reload default texts)
other languages ...
To exit the menu, press # (exiting also occurs after 60 seconds’ inactivity).
The keypad power can be switched on by connecting the bus cable or by
switching on the control panel power.
Each keypad has its own menu, i.e. each keypad in the system can have
its own unique settings.
The keypad keeps its settings even if its power is disconnected (settings
can only be altered via the keypad menu).
The menu can be entered in Service mode by holding the ? key.
Three minute time-out of displaying the alarm status
To comply with EN standards the keypad does not indicate the status of the
alarm system. Indication only returns when the keypad is operated or an
entrance delay is triggered. It is however possible to program permanent
indication via the control panel, if considered appropriate.
Installing a door detector
It is possible to wire up a detector(s) to the keypad via the IN input. The IN
input terminal is triggered when disconnected from GND. The control panel’s
natural reaction to the IN input being triggered is a delayed intruder alarm
(unchangeable reaction).
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7 8 9
0 #
fig. 2 An example of door detector wiring
If the IN input is not used, connect it to GND.
The IN input only reports to the control panel at the moment of being
triggered (a so-called pulse reaction, which means that the keypad
cannot signal permanently open doors). The input belongs to the C
section (can not be changed) and if there is more than one JA-81E in
the system their IN inputs are not distinguished by the system.
Controlling the PgX output
The PgX output can be switched ON and OFF by pressing the ON (¾) and
#) buttons long (for 5 seconds) . The function of PgX must be set in the
control panel. A long beep confirms the change.
Keypad text editing
You can use a PC running OLink software to set up the texts
(recommended). If you change texts in the system using Olink the change is
made in all keypads, which are connected to the line at this time. If you add a
new keypad to the system, you can transfer (synchronize) all the latest texts to
the keypad by reading the texts from the control panel. (OLink reading the
control panel texts triggers the keypad into listening in to the bus and copying
the texts into itself).
The names can be edited via the keypad in the “Edit Text” menu item – see
the control panel installation manual. The edited text is only stored in the
keypad unit used for editing.
The texts can only be copied into the keypad but cannot be read out of it.
Technical specifications
Power via the control panel bus
Standby consumption 30mA
RFID cards Jablotron PC-01 or PC-02 (EM UNIQUE 125kHz)
Length of digital bus cable max. 100m
Door detector input IN = normally closed loop
Dimensions 120 x 130 x 30 mm
Environment according to EN 50131-1 II. internal
Operating temperature range -10 to +40 °C
EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3 classification class 2
Comply with ETSI 300330, EN 50130-4,
EN 55022, EN 60950-1
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the JA-81E is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC
The original of the conformity assessment can be found on the web
site www.jablotron.com, Technical Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
manufacturer after use.

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