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JA-80Z radio signal repeater 1 / 1 MKG51300_JA-80Z
JA-80Z – radio signal repeater
The JA-80Z signal repeater is a device belonging to Jablotron’s OASiS
system. It has been designed to extend the range of remote devices whose
signal is not strong enough to communicate with the control panel or whose
communication is unreliable. The repeater function lies in the transmission
of a signal received from an enrolled device with a little delay. The delay
ensures that a possible conflict between the repeater transmission and the
transmitting device is avoided. Each device enrolled to the repeater must
concurrently be enrolled to the control panel.
Repeater architecture
The repeater has 40 addresses for devices and one address for an
OASiS control panel.
It copies the state of the PGX, PGY, IW and EW outputs of an
OASiS control panel.
The addresses are filled by sequential enrollment. The enrolled
devices can only be deleted by resetting the repeater.
Uses an LED and beeper (if connected – just for installing and
testing purposes) to indicate the strength of the signal received from
enrolled devices.
Compatible with all OASiS detectors and remote controls with the
exception of the JA-84P.
It does not support transmissions for JA-8xF keypads, JA-80A sirens
and other JA-80Z repeaters.
Enables a hard-wired detector connection to the INP terminal.
The repeater must be equipped with a backup battery (e.g. SA-
214/1,3) which ensures its operation when there is a power supply
A double-balanced INP input with a fixed natural reaction (delayed loop)
is available for the connection of one hard-wire detector. Activation of this
input is transmitted to the control panel as a signal from a device to which
the repeater has been enrolled in the control panel. The reaction of this
loop can be configured in the control panel.
The repeater front cover is protected with a built-in tamper sensor and the
box must be protected against being torn off the wall with a tamper device
delivered with the package.
Repeater enrollment mode
1. Switch the DIP4 switch to the “ON” position before you connect the
power supply.
2. Open enrollment mode on the control panel and scroll to the required
position for the repeater.
3. While the rechargeable battery is still disconnected, connect the power
input of the repeater, thus sending the enrollment code and enrolling
the device to the control panel. The control panel subsequently enrols
itself to the repeater automatically.
4. You can exit enrollment mode by pressing the „#“ key.
5. It is also possible to enrol other devices to the repeater by the insertion
of batteries.
Correct enrollment of a device is always signalled by a one-second
flash of the green LED.
Exceeding the maximum amount of devices (full memory) is
indicated by several quick short flashes of the green LED and the
device in question is not enrolled.
6. You can exit enrolment mode by switching off the DIP4 switch.
Adding devices to the repeater (additional enrollment
Switch the DIP4 switch to the “ON” position.
The devices are enrolled by the insertion of batteries
Correct enrollment of a device is always signalled by a one-second
flash of the green LED.
Exceeding the maximum amount of devices (full memory) is
indicated by several quick short flashes of the green LED and the
device in question is not enrolled.
You can exit the enrollment mode by switching off the DIP4 switch.
Device signal indication
The number of flashes of the green LED on the control panel
motherboard indicates the strength of the signal received from the given
device upon its activation as follows:
1x 25% (1/4) signal strength
2x 50% (2/4) signal strength
3x 75% (3/4) signal strength
4x 100% (4/4) signal strength
If the beeper is connected is the signal strength indicated by one to four
beeps as well.
Rear box tamper sensor installation
The rear tamper sensor (against the box being torn off the wall) works on
the basis of a magnetic contact (supplied with the package). The contact
must be installed during installation of the box.
1. Break off the prepared rectangular opening at the bottom of the box
opposite the circuit board terminal.
2. The remains of the broken-off plastic moulding must be removed using
a sharp tool (knife).
3. Put the box onto the selected surface and mark the fixing holes and the
position of the prepared opening.
4. Attach the permanent contact magnet onto the marked surface.
5. Install and fix the box (the magnet goes through the rectangular box
6. Stick the magnetic sensor (the second part with the conductors
brought-out) to an interior side of the box (maximum separation from
the magnet should be 2cm).
7. Connect the outputs to the TMP and COM terminals on the
motherboard without a balance resistor.
8. Switch DIP2 to the ON position.
Description of terminals
Double balanced input terminal (two 1kOhm resistors)
Rear tamper sensor terminal (not balanced)
Common terminal for INP and TMP inputs
Output, copies the state of the EW output of the enrolled
control panel
Output, copies the state of the IW output of the enrolled
control panel
Output, copies the state of the PGX output of the enrolled
control panel
Output, copies the state of the PGY output of the enrolled
control panel
Negative pole of the wired detector’s and the temporary
beeper’s power supply
Possitive pole of the temporary beeper (negative is
connected to the GND)
Positive pole of the wired detector’s power supply (protected
by FU1 – F1A)
DIP switch description
The input on the INP terminal is switched on (monitored) in
“ON” position
The rear tamper sensor is active in the “ON” position
No function
The enrollment mode is active in the “ON” position
Device reset
Resetting the whole device is irreversible and causes the deletion of the
enrolled control panel and all enrolled devices from the repeater.
1. Switch off the 230V power output and disconnect the backup battery.
2. Connect the RESET jumper and leave it connected.
3. Connect the supply voltage and the battery.
4. Disconnect the RESET jumper.
Technical specifications
Power source 230 V / 50 Hz, max 0.1 A, protection class II
Power supply type A (EN 50131-6)
Backup battery 12 V, 2.2 Ah
Backup power output maximum continuous load 0.7 A
Number of wireless device addresses 40
Hard-wired inputs 1x double balanced input
1x input reserved for the rear tamper contact
EW external warning output switching to GND, max. 0.5A
IW internal warning output switching to GND, max. 0.5A
PGX, PGY outputs max. 0.1 A, switching to GND
Frequency (JA-82R) 868 MHz
Security grade 2
according to EN50131-1, EN 50131-6 and EN 50131-5-3
Environmental class II. indoor-general (-10 to +40°C)
compliant with EN 50131-1
Radio emissions ETSI EN 300220
EMC EN 50130-4, EN 55022
Safety EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03

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