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The JA-80X communicator 1 / 4 MKR51103
The JA-80X phone-line communicator
Installation manual
The JA-80X communicator is a component of Jablotron systems
of the JA-8x series. It is designed to be installed within the control
panel housing. Main features:
o Alarm voice-reporting.
o ARC (Alarm Receiving Centre) communication.
o Remote access via a telephone keypad.
o Backup option for the JA-80Y GSM communicator.
The JA-80X only uses the tone dialling method.
1. Installation
The communicator can be connected to the control panel’s
digital bus via a four-cord RJ cable. Use connectors marked RS
LINE on the communicator. Both RS LINE connectors have
parallel wiring, thus they can also be used for splitting the
control panel digital bus.
Connect the communicator to a telephone line via the cable
supplied with the package. Use a socket marked LINE on the
Additional telephone devices (telephone, facsimile machine,
modem etc.) can be connected using the connector marked
When the control panel is in normal stand-by mode, the phone
line and any attached device will operate as normal.
The communicator can only be connected to analogue phone
line and must not be connected to a dual or a grouping
Note: The communicator must be plugged directly into a
telephone line socket. All other devices should be connected to the
communicator output marked TEL.
2. Alarm voice-reporting
Depending on the type of events, the communicator is capable
of sending 5 assigned alarm reports to up to 4 pre-programmed
phone numbers.
With the control panel being in the unset state, enter Service
mode by keying-in *0 SC (SC=service code, 8080 by factory
default) on the system keypad.
Key-in the requested programming sequence(s). Any sequence
currently being entered can be escaped from by pressing #.
Completing a sequence entry is confirmed by a beep. After
completing all the requested sequences, exit Service mode by
pressing the # key.
Depending on system configuration, telephone numbers can
also be entered in operating mode.
2.1. Programming telephone numbers for voice
reporting sequence 71 Mxxx…xx*0
To program tel. numbers used for voice reporting enter:
71Mxx... xx *0
M is the phone number memory 1 to 4
xx...xx is the desired phone number (max.16 digits)
Special codes can be put into the phone number:
Code :
by pressing
# by pressing
3 s pause by pressing
Example: Entering 712 483 123 456 *0 will store the number 483
123 456 in memory 2.
To erase a number from memory M enter:
where: M is memory 1 to 4
Voice reports are sent to pre-programmed phone numbers in the
order they are stored. A single report to a particular tel. number
starts with the number being dialled. A 6 sec waiting period
follows. After this period voice message No. 1 is played (alarm
system identification) followed by an event description message.
This is repeated 4 times after which the communicator hangs up.
Normally, voice reporting is not terminated until after all the
numbers have been reported to. However, you can stop reporting
by alarm cancellation or by pressing the # key on the phone which
is currently being reported to.
If enabled, ARC reporting is performed prior to telephone voice
Note: Do not program emergency call numbers!
As a factory default, all phone number memories are erased.
2.2. Limited event-reporting
sequence 792x
The communicator has a special option for the 2
tel. number
such that only INTRUSION or PANIC alarms are reported to that
number (other types of alarm events like Fire, Fault or Tamper are
not reported).
During the call to the 1st tel. number the user can decide whether
the alarm report should be also forwarded to the remaining tel.
numbers or ha can terminate further voice call reporting by
pressing # on the phone keypad (e.g. in case of the false alarm).
To program the feature enter:
x=0 only INTRUSION or PANIC alarms are reported to
the 2
tel. number
x=1 all events reported to all numbers
The factory default setting is 7921
This setting doesn't apply to transmissions to the ARC, which are
made via voice messages.
2.3. Voice message recording
You can record voice messages via any phone using DTMF tone
dialling. First, call the communicator’s phone number. During the
dial-up period, enter 72 on the system keypad. The communicator
will answer the call which is indicated by a beep. Press a key 0 to
8 on the phone keypad according to which of the following actions
you wish to perform:
0 – Replay all messages
1 Record message No. 1 (Alarm reports) – identify your
alarm system (your premises)
2 – Record message No. 2 (Intrusion)

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Jablotron JA-80X Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 5 pagina's

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