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The JA-80V LAN / PSTN line communicator - 5 - MKA51202
Phone number memory M
ec Event
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15 External communication fault S S S S S S S
16 External communication restored
17 Fault S S S S S S S
18 Fault no longer present
19 Mains dropout longer than 30 minutes S S S S S S S
20 Mains dropout
21 Mains restored
22 Discharged battery S S S S S S S
23 Battery OK
24 Switching to Service Mode
25 Leaving Service Mode
28 Radio communication jamming present S S S S S S S
29 Internal communication fault S S S S S S S
30 Internal communication restored
31 Communication test
32 Unconfirmed alarm
Factory-default report assignment: S = SMS, C = call, SC = SMS followed by a call
The SMS information about a new picture on the server is sent to all phone numbers which are set to get reported event number 01 “Intruder
alarm - instant”. This information contains a link to the new picture on the server.
5.3.1. Assigning events to be reported by SMS to a particular
mobile phone number
To link events to being reported by SMS, enter:
82 M ec x
M phone number memory 1 to 8
ec event code 01 to 32 (see the above table)
x 0 = no SMS report, 1 = SMS report
Example: if 82 8 03 1 is programmed and a fire alarm is triggered (event
03 in the table), it will be reported by SMS to the phone number stored in
memory M8
5.3.2. Assigning events to be reported by phone call to a particular
phone number
To link events to being reported by phone call, enter:
83 M ec x
M phone number memory 1 to 8
ec event code 01 to 32 (see the above table)
x 0 = no phone call, 1 = call
Example: if 82 1 03 1 is programmed and a fire alarm is triggered (event
03 in the table), the phone number stored in memory M1 will be called
and if the call is answered, a siren sound will be heard.
Phone call reports are mostly used as an audible notification to alert
the user of a detailed report sent by SMS
If both SMS + call reports are enabled for events, the SMS is sent
first and then the number is called afterwards. But total priority is
given to ARC reports if enabled (see 7.1 )
5.3.3. SMS/phone call communication checking period
A regularly sent communication checking SMS report and/or phone call
to a telephone can be enabled as event code ec=31 (see table in 5.3).
This sequence programs how often the checking report should be
84 hhmm
hh hours (00 to 24) to wait after the last SMS/phone call
mm minutes (00 to 59) to wait after the last SMS/phone call
The communication checking report is not sent if the system is in
service mode
Factory default setting: 24 hours from the last report
5.4. SMS text editing
The communicator contains various text strings which are used to create
SMS reports and also SMS instruction text. These text strings cannot be
changed from the system keypad, but they can be edited by Comlink
software, via the Internet (www.GSMLink.cz
) or by sending the following
SMS instruction:
code is a valid access code (e.g. factory defaults: 8080, 1234)
_ is a space
TXT instruction to edit texts
n text number (0 to 611 see the following table)
, comma (or full stop)
text the new text (max. 30 characters) which will replace the former
text. It is invalid to enter a comma or a full stop inside the text
string, but a space is valid within the text string
A single TXT instruction can change multiple texts (limited only by the
maximum length of a single SMS)
the communicator is not case-sensitive and it is recommended to use
only English ASCII characters (some networks do not support non-
English national characters)
the communicator creates SMS reports with 5 parts: installation name,
event description, source (code or device) number (01 to 50), source
name, time and date
the maximum possible length of an ASCII SMS is 160 characters (only
70 characters for national characters). If this length is exceeded, the
report is sent as multiple SMSes
Examples: if the service code is 8080 then the SMS instruction:
8080 TXT 20,key fob Bob,21,Key fob Jane
changes the description (name) of the key fobs enrolled to addresses 20
and 21
8080 TXT 605,heating on,606,heating off
edits the text of the two instructions used to command the heating to be
switched on and off by the PGX output (the PGX output must be
programmed to have an ON/OFF function)
5.5. Enabling reporting to phones
Event reports can be enabled as follows:
800 all SMS and call reports disabled
801 all SMS and call reports enabled
802 all reports enabled except reports of setting and unsetting
by users 41 to 50 (i.e. their codes, cards and key fobs). This
allows setting and unsetting done by report recipients (owners,
bosses, etc.) not to be reported.
803 all SMS and call reports enabled if ARC1 is not responding
804 all SMS and call reports enabled if ARC2 is not responding
Factory default setting: 801 all reports enabled

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Jablotron JA-80V Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

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