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The JA-80N outdoor RFID card reader MKM51201
The JA-80N outdoor RFID card reader
The JA-80N is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis
80 alarm system. It is designed to control access
(door lock) or to control a security system and
connects to the Oasis control panel via a WJ-80
Alternatively it can be connected to an AS-80 unit
as a part of a stand-alone access system.
The keypad sends data in Wiegand 26b format.
Installation shall only be undertaken by technicians
holding a certificate issued by an authorized
distributor. It is usually placed near an entrance door
(equipped with an electronic lock). The reader can be
used outdoors (conforms to IP-65).
1. Open the rear cover by unscrewing the screw
2. Prepare a hole in the wall for the reader cable to pass
through, where the reader will be located.
3. Attach the rear cover to the desired location (the
tamper spring must be properly pressed)
4. Pull the reader cable through the wall hole and to the
interface unit’s box (WJ-80, AS-80)
5. Attach the reader to the rear cover and secure it using
the screw
6. Connecting and setting up the reader is described in
the WJ-80 or AS-80 manuals.
wire signal
red +12V (power supply, 60mA)
green D0 (Wiegand 26b data output)
brown D1 (Wiegand 26b data output)
white TMP (normally closed tamper contact)
grey TMP (normally closed tamper contact)
yellow BZR (input controlling reader’s sound – connecting to GND
generates a beep on the reader)
blue GND (common ground)
pink not connected
Configuring the reader for operation with the WJ-80
If the JA-80N reader is connected to an Oasis control panel and it does
not work as described in the manual, then it is not set to the correct
(factory default) operational mode. In such a case:
1. Switch the Oasis control panel to service mode
2. Disconnect the power from the control panel (mains and battery)
3. Get an RFID card ready (PC-01 or PC-02)
4. Disconnect the yellow and brown wires from the WJ-80 interface
terminals and connect the wires together
5. Power-up the control panel (reader starts beeping)
6. Disconnect the yellow and brown wires from each other (beeping will
7. Use the RFID card 4 times (put it close to the reader and after a short beep
take it away) – then wait a moment until a few beeps sound (by this
procedure you enter “4” without pressing a key, as there are no keys to
8. Now use the RFID card 3 times (put it close to the reader and after a short
beep take it away) – then wait a moment until a few beeps sound (by this
procedure you enter “3” without pressing a key, as there are no keys to
9. Disconnect the power from the control panel, connect the yellow and brown
wires back up, power-up the control panel and check the proper functioning
of the JA-80H keypad
Note: The red LED is lit in normal operating mode. Using a card is confirmed
by a flash from the orange LED.
How to set up the
JA-80N reader for the AS-80 access system is described in
the AS-80 manual.
Technical specifications
Power supply 10 to 16V DC
Stand-by consumption typically 60mA
Enclosure protection (EN 60529) IP65
Mechanical endurance (EN 50102) IK08
Environmental (EN 50131-1) class IV – outdoor general
Operational temperature range -25 to +60°C
RFID card Jablotron PC-01 or PC-02 (EM UNIQUE 125 kHz)
Dimensions 46 x 150.5 x 22.5mm
Length of the connection cable 1m
Complies with grade 2 (EN 50131-1, TS 50131-3)
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the JA-80N is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and complies
with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1.
This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications no expressly approved by Jablotron could void the
user´s authority to operate the equipment. The original of the conformity assessment can
be found at www.jablotron.com
, Technical Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use.
cca 1 m

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