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The JA-80G Wireless Gas Leak Detector 2 / 2 MKN51004
The JA-80G Wireless Gas Leak Detector
The JA-80G is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis 80 alarm system and detects
mixtures of air and combustible gases or fumes (Natural Gas, Methane, Propane,
Butane). The detector detects two levels of gas concentration, responding with two
different reactions.
The mains-powered detector indicates a gas leakage optically, and acoustically,
and transmits alarm wirelessly via Oasis protocol.
Installation shall only be undertaken by technicians holding a certificate issued
by an authorized distributor. Warning: this device is connected to the mains.
Installation should be done according to EN 50 244 by a person with a appropriate
Fix the detector on the wall. For gases lighter than air (natural gas, city gas
etc.) install it close to the ceiling (max. 15 cm under it) or directly on the ceiling
and on the place expected to have gas leakage. For gases heavier than air
(propane, butane, etc.) install it close to the floor or on the lowest place of the
room. The detector should not be located close to any obstacles preventing
natural air circulation.
The detector should not be located close to any obstacles preventing natural
air circulation. It should also not be located in a draft or close to a cooker
(cooking smells and other fumes can have a bad influence on gas detection)
Connect the wires, set the detector’s features using its DIP switches and close
its cover.
Before you connect power, switch the control panel (receiver) to enrollment
mode. The detector transmits enrollment signals when its power is connected.
1st level
2nd level
Fig. 1
Power terminals
Route the power cable to the terminals marked 230V AC. The power inlet should
be fused with an external fuse (max. 10A). Do not open the detector cover if the
power is on.
Output relay terminals
There is a dry relay switch-over contact available (max. 5A/230V AC)
C - common contact
NO - normally open contact
NC - normally closed contact
This relay output could be used for example to shut down the gas inlet if there
was a gas leak (by means of a suitable electric gas valve).
Warning: The mains relay output does not provide mains isolation for safety
DIP switches
There are two DIP switches in the detector to set its features:
relay is triggered if the 1
of gas concentration is
relay is triggered if the 2
of gas concentration is exceeded
indication of gas leakage will
stop after the concentration
drops down
indication of gas leakage will last
until the detector power is
switched off (memory function)
After switching the power on, the detector transmits its enrollment signal and the
green LED flashes for about 90 seconds while the detector warms up. When the
green LED lights constantly, the detector is ready for operation.
If the gas concentration reaches the 1
level, short beeps sound and the first red
LED lights.
If the gas concentration reaches the 2
level, long beeps sound and the second
red LED lights.
The output relay reacts depending on DIP switch #1’s setting.
A fire alarm signal is transmitted wirelessly at the same moment as the
detector’s relay reacts (depends on DIP switch #1’s setting).
The JA-80G detector does not regularly check communication with the control
panel (receiver), so the system will not indicate a lost detector during power
Warning - If there is a gas alarm, don’t operate any switches or electrical
devices. Open the windows, and stop the gas leak, if practical. Call the fire
department immediately, but do not use a phone inside.
LED indicators
o flashes
o ON
the gas detector is off
warming up
ready for a gas alarm
Red I.
o ON
level of gas concentration
Red II.
o ON
level of gas concentration
Red II.
o Alternating
sensor error
green LED
red LED
NO 230V
buzzer sensor
Fig. 2
red LED
Maintenance and testing
Keep the detector clean, it is important that its grids should not be blocked with
Use a gas cigarette lighter without the flame lit, to test the gas detector’s
reaction. The detector will react within 15 seconds.
Professional recalibration of the detector should be done at least every 1 year.
Contact your distributor for more details.
Sensitivity (gas concentration):
Methane Propane
Level 1
3% LEL (0.50% vol.conc.) 18
3% LEL (0.30% vol. conc.)
Level 2
3% LEL (0.80% vol. conc.) 30
3% LEL (0.50% vol. conc.)
Level 1
3% LEL (0.30% vol. conc.)
Level 2
3% LEL (0.50% vol. conc.)
LEL = Lower Explosive Limit (100 %) according to EN 60079-20-1:
for methane 4,4 % vol. conc., for prophane 1,7 % vol. conc., for iso-buthane 1,3 %
vol. conc., calibrated by iso-butane
Power supply 230V(-15% to+10) / 50Hz, 2 W, protection class II
Detection method hot platinum filament
Buzzer sound level 94dB/0.3m
Relay output optional for 1
or 2
level, max.230V AC/5A
Alarm memory selectable
Response time 10 s
Warm up time approximately 90 s
Communication band 868 MHz, Oasis protocol
Communication range approx. 200m (open area)
Dimensions, weight
101 x 74 x 39, 210 g
Working environment indoor use, -10 to +40°C, IP30
Complies with EN 50194-1, EN 60079-29-1, EN 50130-4,
EN 55022, EN 60950-1, ETSI EN 300220
For non-explosive areas. Zone 2 according to EN 60079-10.
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Certified by VVUÚ, cert. body No. 3076
Complies with the essential requirements of:
EMC Directive 1999/5/EC concer
electromagnetic com
patibility when used for
its intended purpose. The original of the
conformity assessment can be found at
, Technical Support
Note: Although this product does not contain
any harmful materials we suggest you return
the product to the dealer or directly to the
manufacturer after use.

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