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JA-60WEB communicator -4 - MHO51104
4.1.5 CMS1 and CMS2 pages
In the communicator page, the user can:
Set main and backup IP addresses and ports
Enable CMS communication
Set CMS2 as a backup for CMS1
Enable recording of CMS data transfer to the events list
Set the periodic report interval and delay before re-transfer
Set the Object ID code
Set the Transfer Event filter – chose what events will be sent to the CMS
4.1.6 Logoff
You can logoff by clicking on the Logoff button. You will also be logged off automatically according
to the Idle time for auto logoff setting on the Communicator page.
5 Specification
Power supply 12V DC provided by the alarm control panel
Current consumption 40 mA
AUX outputs dry contact, max. 100mA / 60V
INP input reacts to connection to GND, max. voltage 15V
Complies with EN 50131-1, Z1, EN 50136-1
Security grade 2 (low to medium risk)
Enviromental class II indoor-general ( –10 to 40°C)
Safety EN 60950
EMC EN 55022, EN 55024, EN 50130-4
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this JA-60WEB is in compliance with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. (NV 426/2000Sb.)
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
, section Technical support.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials, we suggest you to
return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer after usage.
6 Programming sequence summary
Internet: www.jablotron.com
Tel.: +420 483 559 911
fax: +420 483 559 993
Jablotron Ltd., Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic
Function Sequence Options Factory default
DHCP setting 94y
y=0 ... DHCP disabled,
y=1 ... DHCP enabled
DHCP enabled
IP address setting 91 xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx is the IP
Netmask setting 92 xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx is the IP
Gateway IP setting 93 xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx is the IP
Reset 96060
Reset to factory default
settings possible
JA-60WEB communicator -1 - MHO51104
The JA-60WEB Communicator
Installation manual
The JA-60WEB communicator is designed for JA-63 and JA-65 alarm control panels. The dialer is
used for communication with a central monitoring station via an Ethernet network / the internet.
installation manual is intended for JA-60WEB version HO61304
The WEB module, when installed in the alarm control panel, enables:
Data transfer in CID-IP format to one or two Central Monitoring Stations (CMS),
Programming of the communicator via the web,
Remote control of appliances via a web page – 3 outputs and 1 input
1 Installation of the communicator
The JA-60WEB communicator can be installed in the telephone communicator position in a JA-63 or
JA-65 control panel (either a LAN communicator or a telephone line communicator module can be
used in a control panel – it is not possible to install both simultaneously).
a) Disconnect the control panel power supply (both AC and backup battery). If the control
panel has been previously used before this installation, enter programming mode before
disconnecting the power supply.
b) Attach the dialer to the control panel case and connect it to the control panel main board using
the RJ cable provided.
c) Connect cables to the input (INP) and/or output (AUX) terminals, if you want to use them.
d) Reconnect the control panel power supply (backup battery and AC). The system will display
a “P”, (programming mode).
e) When the communicator is powered up for the first time it is necessary to set the
Ethernet network parameters using the control panel keypad (see Local network
f) Connect the Ethernet cable (10/100 Mbps). If the communicator is working properly, LED 2 is lit
and LED1 flashes.
g) Programming the communicator and the control panel is possible via web page (by accessing
the communicator IP address). It is also possible to connect the communicator directly to the
PC via a network cable with crossed connections (cross cable).
h) Central monitoring station communication shall be set according to data given by the CMS.

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