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Remote Access Modem JA-60U 2/2 MDY51914
Remote Access Modem JA-60U
Note: This manual is intended for professional installers only.
The JA-60U modem is used for the remote connection of a personal
computer with ComLink software to JA-63 and JA-65 control panels
using a public telephone line. It enables a computer to remotely control
a system in the same way as when it connected directly to the JA-63
or JA-65 PC’s output. This version of the modem can be used with
JA-60E for a remote access to a system.
Connect the modem to the free USB port of the computer using the
enclosed PC-60B interface cable. The modem must be switched off
while connecting. The telephone line cable should be plugged into the
IN modem socket and to the telephone line wall socket. If you want to
hook-up your telephone set, use the OUT socket on the modem for its
connection (when the modem is not activated, you can use the phone
as usual). Now plug-in the modem’s power supply adapter.
Note: the JA-60 modem can be used only with analogue telephone
line (TNV – Telecommunication Network Voltage) and with DC adapter
DE01-12 (SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage).
In order to enable remote access, you have to have the ComLink
software installed on your computer which can be found on the
enclosed CD (see also PC-60B manual). The latest version of the
Comlink software can be downloaded from the Jablotron Internet site
JA-6x setting
To establish communication between the control panel and the
remote computer, you have to set the JA-6x parameters. All settings
must be made while in the programming mode of the control panel
(letter “P” must be on the display). You can change the parameters by
entering programming strings from system keypad or from a computer
with ComLink software connected to the PC output of the control
Reaction to an incoming call
This instructs the control panel how to react to calls from a remote
computer. The possible settings are:
050 – access disabled
051 – access enabled with second call (If the panel detects 1 or 2
rings on the first call and then is called again with 10-45 seconds, the
panel will answer the second call on the first ring. This is useful for
bypassing an answering or facsimile machine on the same line as the
05x - access enabled by answering the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th ring
(x = 2 to 6)
Note: Remote access connection can be enabled manually by the
end user (regardless of above settings) by entering string 89 while in
the programming or user mode, when a remote call is ringing.
Factory setting: access disabled
Remote access code
In order to access the panel from a remote computer, it is necessary
to authorize the access by an 8-digit access code. This code is
compared with the one programmed in the control panel. If the remote
computer tries to access the panel with another code, the connection
will close immediately and the wrong code alarm will be triggered.
Store your access code to the control panels by entering:
0 7 x x x x x x x x
x x . . . . . x - 8-digit number
Factory setting: 00000000
Establishing of a connection
Run the ComLink software on a computer equipped with a JA-60U
modem (in Windows version use “REMOTE” button in the tool bar). In
order to establish a connection with a control panel, you have to set in
the Remote access dialog:
a) Control panel telephone number
b) Dialing mode (DTMF or pulse)
c) Serial port number, to which the JA-60U is connected
d) Control panel access code (must be equal to the 8-digit code set
in the control panel)
e) Select for the second call response (if set for in the control panel)
f) Select for the call back feature (if desired) and enter the phone
number for the line connected to the JA-60U. When you use this
setting, the modem will call the control panel and prompt for
communication. After that, the control panel will call back to the
remote PC. This allows the telecommunication costs to be paid by
the JA-6x user (the user should be made aware if this option is
selected for).
Note: Remote access cannot be established when the telephone line
at the control panel is busy.
Remote access
After establishing a connection with the JA-6x control panel, the
ComLink software on the remote computer enables remote use of the
ComLink SW as if the computer is connected directly to the control
panel. You can check the control panel’s status and settings, you can
arm and disarm the system, you can download the events’ list, monitor
the RF field, etc. (see ComLink help file).
Note: Downloading or uploading of extensive data (like event list
downloading, digital communicator setting etc.) takes more time,
compared to a direct PC connection to the control panel.
There is no special maintenance for the JA-60U.
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd. declares that this JA-60U is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the
web page www.jablotron.com
, section Technical support.
Note: Although this product
does not contain any harmful
materials we suggest you to
return the product to the
dealer or directly to the
producer after usage.
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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