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GSM communicator GD-06 Allegro – complete manual 1/5 MHG 51203
GSM communicator GD-06 Allegro
Complete manual
The GD-06 ALLEGRO is a universal GSM dialer and controller. It can
be used for both home and industrial automation purposes, for security
applications or remote data transfer projects. There are 6 terminals and
1 output relay, each of the terminals can be independently set as input
or output. Triggering of any of the inputs will cause the sending of a
reporting SMS message to preprogrammed phone numbers or a direct
call to a telephone number. By using SMS text messages, you can
switch on or off the remote controlled outputs. In the basic (factory
default) setting, the GD-06 provides 4 inputs and 3 outputs.
The device can be programmed using programming SMS messages or
via the Internet using Jablotron’s GSMLink web page.
For most application the basic description in chapters 1 and 2 will be
sufficient. Following parts of the manual (starting with chapter 3)
describe full programming of all inputs and outputs, triggering a
monitoring mode, GPRS data communication and analogue data
1. Specification
Power supply voltage 8 - 15 V DC
Current consumption 20 mA (stand-by), 500 mA (maximum)
GSM band E-GSM/GPRS 900/1800MHz (2 W @
GSM900, 1 W @ GSM1800)
Terminals (P1 - P6): Input mode - triggered when
connected to GND (200 ms filter is
Output mode - transistor output (max.
100 mA), switches to GND
Relay output over-switching contact (NC-C-NO),
max. 2A / 24V
Dimensions 76 x 110 x 33 mm (antenna - 125 mm)
Complies with EN 60950, EN 301489-1, EN 301489-
7, EN 301419-1, EN 301511
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this GD-06 complies with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Original conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.com, section Technical support.
2. Installation and basic functions
2.1. Installation
Figure 1
The GD-06 ALLEGRO is designed for indoor use only. Check the GSM
signal strength before installing the Allegro (e.g. with a GSM phone
using a SIM card for the same operator).
1) Insert a SIM card into a GSM phone and disable its PIN. If you
cannot disable it, set it to 1234.
2) Insert the SIM card into the GD-06.
3) Connect the power supply.
4) The LED will start flashing until the SIM card registers into the
GSM operator’s network (max. 1 minute).
Standby mode is then indicated by short flashes of the LED
(approximately. once every 2 sec). If the LED is lit permanently, GSM
communication is in progress.
Reset the GD-06 communicator to the factory default settings with
English communication by sending the instruction “MASTER RESET
EN” to the dialer. The factory default setting after Reset EN is shown in
tab. 1.
Setting of the communicator after MASTER RESET EN
P1, P2, P3, P4
Connecting or disconnecting to GDN will trigger
sending SMS information to all telephone numbers
TEL1 – TEL6.
Example: "P1 On" or “P2 Off"
SMS instruction sent from TEL1-TEL8 telephone
numbers controls the outputs.
Example: " ON P5 " or “OFF P6 "
Relay switches over (on/off/on…) whenever a
phone call from TEL1 or TEL2 is detected.
TEL1,… TEL8 All numbers are erased
Access codes Set to USER and MASTER
Time to answer
the incoming call
Set to 10 seconds
tab. 1
2.3. Basic (quick) setting
Setting can be easily made via Jablotron’s web page www.gsmlink.cz
(see chap. 6) or by sending SMS messages from a mobile phone.
This section will describe only the basic setting of the GD-06 after
performing RESET EN command, described in tab. 1.
Store the TEL1 to TEL8 telephone numbers using the below
programming SMS instruction sent from a GSM phone:
Parameter Value Description
X 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Memory position for TEL1 to TEL8
Instruction to send SMS to this
Instruction to send SMS to this
number first and then to call this
Telephone number (max 20 digits) ,
“+” prefix can be used for
international calls
Example: “MASTER TEL1 SMS 00420483559911”
You will then receive a confirmation message from the GD-06 to your
mobile phone.
There must be spaces between the parameters. The SMS
instruction is case insensitive.
For telephone numbers TEL7 and TEL8, which are used for
remote control only, you can use any YYY parameter.
To delete a telephone number, send the SMS instruction
If the confirmation message is not in English, reset the GD-
06 as described in paragraph 2.2.
After installation of the ALLEGRO and programming of the telephone
numbers, the GD-06 is ready for operation.
Triggering of any input P1 to P4 will cause the sending of an SMS
report to the telephones stored in the positions TEL1 to TEL6.

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Jablotron GD-06 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 2 pagina's

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