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GBS-210 „VIVO“ glass break detector 2/2 MGJ51009
GBS-210 “VIVO” glass break detector
The GBS-210 glass break detector detects the breaking of glass
windows. A dual technology detection method (air pressure and sound
analysis) is used. Used processing guarantees high sensitivity to the
breaking of all types of glass. The sensitivity can be adjusted to compensate
for various window sizes and mounting distances. The GBS-210
distinguishes itself with outstanding RF immunity. A built in LED indicator
allows for easy testing and it also provides an optional alarm memory feature.
Sensitivity adjustment
LED indicator
MEM/TEST jumper
The Vivo is designed for indoor applications. It should be mounted on a
flat wall. The unit must have an unobstructed view of the protected glass (in
the case of heavy curtains, mount the detector on the window frame behind
the curtains). Do not place the detector close to any apparatuses that can
generate air pressure changes, low frequency noise or vibrations.
1. Open the cover of the detector (press in the plastic tab on the
bottom with a screwdriver).
2. Remove the PCB by pressing the flexible tab.
3. Punch through the pre-formed holes for cables and screws.
4. Attach the rear housing section to the wall.
5. Return the PCB into the housing and connect wires to the
6. Close the cover.
Note: To avoid damaging the microphone when closing the cover,
ensure that the front housing is properly aligned before snapping shut!
+12V, GND power supply
TAMPER tamper output (normally closed)
RELAY alarm output (normally closed)
MEM/TEST jumper controls the red LED function in the following way:
TEST red LED confirms detector’s triggering
MEM red LED indicates an alarm memory (it can be erased by
temporarily switching off the power supply or disconnecting
the jumper).
If the jumper is removed, the red LED will remain off.
Testing and adjusting the detector
Place the MEM/TEST jumper to the TEST position (red LED will indicate
Strike carefully the glass with a cushioned instrument. Attention,
do not break the glass!
The red LED will flash shortly after a strike if the air pressure
sensor sensitivity is suitably set.
The sensitivity can be adjusted with the variable resistor.
Note: Too high sensitivity can be a source of false alarms.
For complete testing of the detector it is recommended to use the
GBT-212 glass break simulator. The red LED will light for 2
seconds if glass breaking is detected.
GBS-210 “VIVO” working range diagram
The memory function can be used to determine the source of an alarm in
the system. If several detectors are used in one zone, you can set the MEM/TEST
jumper into the MEM position. Then, if this detector triggers an alarm, the red LED
will remain on until the power supply is switched off or the MEM/TEST jumper is
disconnected. The detector operates as usual even while the memory of alarm is
A glass break detector located at the entrance can trigger a false alarm
when opening the door (air pressure change combined with keys clinking on glass
or a door’s squeaking can simulate the glass break noise). Therefore it is
recommended to connect the glass break detector into the delay zone of a control
If there is any device in the protected area which can generate a loud noise
(air conditioning, heating or cooling systems etc.), ensure that this noise does not
trigger the glass break alarm. If it does, it is necessary to relocate the detector or
assure that these devices will not be on when the security system is armed.
Power supply: 12 V DC ± 25%
Power consumption (LED off): max.10 mA
Maximum consumption (LED on): max. 35 mA
Terminals size: 1 mm2
Alarm output: normally closed, max. 60V / 50 mA,
internal resistance max.16 Ohm
Tamper output: normally closed, max. 60 V / 50 mA,
internal resistance max.16 Ohm
Detection range: max. 9 m
Minimum glass dimensions: 0.6 x 0.6 m
Initialization: max. 60 s
Security level - EN 50131-1, CLC/TS 50 131-2-7-1 grade 2,
Environment - class II. – general indoor, (EN 50131-1)
Operating temperatures -10 to +40 °C
EMC EN50130-4,EN 55022
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the GBS-210 is
in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 2004/108/EC. The original of the conformity
assessment can be found on the web site www.jablotron.com
Technical Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
manufacturer after use.

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