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Acoustic glass break detector GBS-200 2/2 MAV51500
A device for easy and reliable protection against robbery.
One sensor covers an entire room, regardless of the number of
windows. A dual technology detection method (air pressure
and sound analysis) is combined with digital processing to
guarantee high sensitivity to the breaking of all types of glass
(Plate, Tempered, Laminated, Wired). At the same time, it is
highly resistant to false alarms.
The GBS-200 detector has a relay contact output (N.C.),
tamper switch (N.C.), a jumper switch for selection of ALARM
MEMORY function, a jumper switch for manual testing mode
and variable resistor for sensitivity adjustment. There are three
LED's on the front side to indicate activation of the pressure
filter, activation of the sound filter and alarm (or alarm memory)
indication. For increased flexibility, the detector can be
mounted either to the ceiling or the wall.
For testing you can use a GLASS BREAK SIMULATOR
(model GBT-200), or you can conduct a manual "step by step"
test (testing mode).
Input voltage 10 – 16 V DC
current consumption 15 mA
alarm relay contact NC max. 0.5 A / 60 V DC
tamper switch output NC max. 0.5 A / 60 V DC
max. working distance 9 m
operating temperature -10 ° C to 55 °C
dimensions 100 x 74 x 27 mm
The GBS-200 can be mounted on walls and ceilings. The unit
must have an unobstructed view of the protected glass (in the
case of heavy curtains, mount the unit on the widow frame
behind the curtains). After opening the detector unit by pressing
down on the plastic lock, take out the PCB module by removing
the screw. Then mount the rear housing of the GBS-200 case on
the desired surface. After mounting the case, replace the PCB
module back in the housing, being sure to secure it with the
WIRING: The terminals marked GND and +12V are connected
to the power supply. The two terminals marked NC are the
outputs for the normally closed alarm relay contacts. The
tamper switch is connected to the TMP terminals.
Testing and adjustment: Switch the 12V power supply ON
and wait for 60 seconds (warm-up time). You are now able to
test the sensitivity of the low frequency analysis channel. To do
this, strike carefully the glass with a cushioned instrument. If
the yellow LED on the detector flashes, then the low frequency
sensitivity is suitable. If the sensitivity is too low, adjust it with
the variable resistor PR1 (clockwise direction for higher
sensitivity). If the yellow LED flashes randomly, the sensitivity
is too high and you should use the PR1 resistor to lower the
sensitivity by turning it counter-clockwise.
For testing of the high frequency analysis channel and also
for complete testing, you should use the GBT-200 simulator
(refer to instructions in the simulator manual). Or, you can
conduct an easy manual test. For manual test mode, open the
AUDIO jumper. In this mode the green LED flashes when you
generate a high frequency sound of breaking glass. You can
simulate this sound easily with a piece of foamed plastic
(enclosed with each detector). To generate this high frequency
sound rub the protected glass with a wet piece of foamed
plastic. If the green LED flashes as a result of this sound, close
the AUDIO jumper and detector is now ready to work.
Alarm memory function: If you want this function, close the
MEM jumper. As a result, the red LED will remain lit after the
alarm is triggered.
You can reset the memory by opening the MEM jumper or
disconnecting the power. If you remove the MEM jumper, the
red LED will light only during ALARM output pulse and will
reset automatically. This function is particularly helpful in
determining which unit was triggered in a multiple detector
Final testing: To ensure maximum protection against false
alarms, try to activate any device in the area that may
automatically cycle such as pumps, generators, heating/air-
conditioning, etc. If the cycling device triggers an alarm, mount
the unit in a different location.
There is no need to relocate the detector if the cycling only
triggers the low frequency channel (the yellow LED flashes)
and not the high frequency
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 438 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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