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Shock detector CA-540 2/2 (A5) CH501A Shock detector CA-540 2/2 (A5) CH501A
Shock detector CA-540
This detector is sensitive to mechanical vibrations and it is suitable especially for car protection.
Build-in two stage digital filter provides high resistivity to false alarms. Sensitivity of this detector is
wide range adjustable. Build-in LED makes sensitivity adjustment and testing easy.
Function of digital filter is, that the first triggering vibration is only stored to the memory. Then the
sensor is not sensitive for one second. If there is any other vibration after this pause, the detector output
will be activated (closed to the ground). But if the first vibration was only an accidental one (wind
blow, thunder etc.) the memory will be reset after 16seconds automatically.
vibration sensor piezoelectric
voltage 9 - 16V DC
stand-by consumption 4mA
output max.100mA - negatively triggered transistor
working temperature -30 to +70
Fix the detector on the metal body of a car with the adhesive tape (the place must be dry).
There are only three wires to connect:
red -
connect to +12V
black -
connect to ground
white -
negatively triggered output (switching transistor, max.100mA) - connect to corresponding
input of the car alarm.
Wait ten seconds after you connected power to the detector. Knock to the car body and see reaction
of the detector's LED. When it lights dimly, the first vibration was stored to the memory. Full light
indicates that output was triggered (after the second vibration). Set the sensitivity of sensor with a
screwdriver if necessary.
Shock detector CA-540
This detector is sensitive to mechanical vibrations and it is suitable especially for car protection.
Build-in two stage digital filter provides high resistivity to false alarms. Sensitivity of this detector is
wide range adjustable. Build-in LED makes sensitivity adjustment and testing easy.
Function of digital filter is, that the first triggering vibration is only stored to the memory. Then the
sensor is not sensitive for one second. If there is any other vibration after this pause, the detector output
will be activated (closed to the ground). But if the first vibration was only an accidental one (wind
blow, thunder etc.) the memory will be reset after 16seconds automatically.
vibration sensor piezoelectric
voltage 9 - 16V DC
stand-by consumption 4mA
output max.100mA - negatively triggered transistor
working temperature -30 to +70
Fix the detector on the metal body of a car with the adhesive tape (the place must be dry).
There are only three wires to connect:
red -
connect to +12V
black -
connect to ground
white -
negatively triggered output (switching transistor, max.100mA) - connect to corresponding
input of the car alarm.
Wait ten seconds after you connected power to the detector. Knock to the car body and see reaction
of the detector's LED. When it lights dimly, the first vibration was stored to the memory. Full light
indicates that output was triggered (after the second vibration). Set the sensitivity of sensor with a
screwdriver if necessary.
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
tel.: +420 428 346999
fax.: +420 428 313183
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
tel.: +420 428 346999
fax.: +420 428 313183

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