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CA-340 modular car alarm 1/4 VAV50204
Car alarm CA-340 “Nestor” functions, controls
The CA-340 car alarm is intended for installation inside a vehicle with a 12 or 24V
power supply and negative ground. It is protected against the reversal of poles and
overvoltage, the activation inputs are protected against short circuit and voltage
Car alarm function overview
A built-in shock detector with adjustable sensitivity controlled with a trimmer
inside the unit. Its activation can trigger a warning (1s siren chirp), trigger an
alarm or do both. If an alarm function is set, the unit uses a filter eliminating
accidental shocks (e.g. caused by a heavy vehicle passing by …). The alarm
is triggered only when the first shock is followed by another within 15 seconds.
If both the siren and the alarm are set, the first shock triggers a short siren
chirp and the second shock (within 15 s) triggers the alarm.
A voltage drop detector registers sudden voltage drops caused by an
appliance which switches on when the alarm is armed (protection against a
mechanical breach of the central locking system). The detector is blocked for
20 minutes after arming (allows the radiator cooling fan to wind down). You
can also program it to remain switched off permanently if you use independent
appliances in the car (heater, refrigerator).
The car alarm is equipped with several contact sensors, whose number
depends on how the alarm is connected (see below).
Up to 8 JA-8x wireless detectors can be enrolled to the car alarm. These
can be used to detect motion inside the vehicle or the breaking of windows or
to guard the garage in which the vehicle is parked.
A programmable output which can trigger the power supply to auxiliary
detectors (microwave, tilt) that are activated when the alarm is armed or it can
provide a signal for the controlling of a CR-11A (AUX) module.
The immobiliser circuit can be used to immobilize the ignition, the fuel pump
or the ignition circuit. When the AUTOIMO function is active, the immobiliser is
activated automatically if the ignition key is switched off for more than 5
minutes. The AUTOIMO can be switched off by a remote control button.
When an alarm is triggered, a siren is activated for 30s. When the alarm is
terminated in a regular way, the siren is switched off immediately.
The siren can also be used for the acoustic confirmation of arming and
disarming (optional parameter). For other functions, see Acoustic signaling.
When you leave your vehicle in a car servicing company for maintenance,
the AUTOIMO function and the acoustic signaling can easily be temporarily
Optical signaling of arming, disarming and alarms. The car alarm can
control the direction indicators (flashers) in three optional modes.
Boot opening. When the alarm is armed, you can use a remote control to
open the car boot if its mechanism allows it. (The BLK output function must be
set to control the boot)
PANIC is a function which allows triggering a siren with a remote control both
in an armed and an unarmed state (by pressing both buttons at the same
time). It can also help you find your vehicle quickly in a crowded car park.
The car alarm is equipped with a Valet button for emergency disarming. The
button can also serve for the setting of optional parameters.
The information concerning operating status of the alarm is signaled with an
The car alarm settings and parameters can be changed easily using the
CA-340PRG wireless module connected to a computer.
Car alarm controls
The car alarm can be armed by locking the vehicle with the original remote
control or by pressing the
key on the RC-8x remote control (depending on the
means of connection).
Partial setting. When the setting key is pressed repeatedly during the exit
delay (20s after the alarm setting) the shock and voltage drop detectors and
wireless detectors guarding the inside of the vehicle are disabled. NOTE: this
function is not available when the car alarm is connected for controlling with the
original remote control without using a CAN-Bus (= AL1 input is set to confirm
arming and disarming)
The car alarm can be disarmed by unlocking the vehicle with the original
remote control or by pressing the key on the RC-8x remote control (depending
on the means of connection).
Rearming function If the car alarm is unarmed and no sensor is activated
within one minute (no one gets into the car), the alarm is armed again. If the alarm
controls the central locking system, the vehicle is locked simultaneously. This
function can be set by parameter 2 (REARM).
Boot opening. The car booth can be opened by pressing both remote control
buttons (the availability of this function depends on the means of installation).
When armed, the car alarm checks the DOOR contact switches, INP1, INP2,
INP3 sensors where boot, bonnet or other detectors can be connected and
manipulation with the ignition key. It also reacts to the activation of the integrated
shock detector, voltage drop and enrolled wireless detectors. The wireless detectors
can be set to a 20s entrance delay (see the detector manual). If any of the alarm
sensors are activated in the period of guarding, a 30s alarm is triggered. When the
alarm has finished, the car alarm remains active.
If the car alarm is controlled with original remote controls, the currently
active alarm can be terminated by unlocking the vehicle using the remote
control. The car alarm is concurrently disarmed.
When the car alarm is controlled with an RC-8x remote control, pressing
keys can terminate the currently active alarm. Pressing the
key again disarms the alarm.
Emergency disarming – if the remote control gets lost or is faulty, the car
alarm can be disarmed by pressing the hidden Valet button as follows:
Open the car doors (triggers an alarm), switch on the ignition key and press the
Valet button. The emergency disarming can be disabled (parameter 4).
LED visual signaling
The LED indicates the alarm status as follows:
the LED is off - the car alarm is unarmed
permanently lit - exit delay in progress
regular short flashes - the car alarm is armed
rapid flashing - entrance delay in progress
regular short fading - AUTOIMO function activated
When the ignition key is switched on, the LED indicates the number of enrolled
RC-8x controllers.
Three alarm chirps during unarming indicate that there has been an alarm
since the last setting. When you turn on the ignition key, the LED then indicates
the cause of the alarm. The signaling is repeated 5 times. The number of flashes
indicates the sensor which triggered the alarm:
1 flash - the door sensor (DOOR) was activated
2 flashes - the INP1 sensor was activated
3 flashes - the INP2 sensor was activated
4 flashes - the INP3 sensor was activated
5 flashes – the voltage drop sensor (an appliance was switched on)
6 flashes – shock detector alarm
7 flashes – the ignition key was switched on in an armed state
1 to 8 fadings wireless detector (according to the order in which it is enrolled)
The cause of the last two alarms can be viewed retroactively. If you press the
Valet button when the ignition key is on, the LED indicates the cause of the last
alarm 10 times successively. If you press the Valet button again during the
signaling, the cause of the previous alarm is also shown ten times. The indication
is terminated when the ignition key is switched off.
Acoustic signaling
Setting: 1 chirp * Partial arming: two quick chirps
Unarming: 2 chirps * Unarming after an alarm: 3 chirps
* can be disabled by setting partial acoustic signaling
Fault signaling:
When armed, the car alarm tests the sensors for approx. 6s. If any of the
sensors is activated during this period of time (e.g. due to an improperly closed
door) it is signaled with 4 quick chirps. The alarm is armed but the sensor
which remained active is disconnected (it can react only when it is deactivated
again –the door is closed, etc.)
If a CA-340 SIR wireless antenna is installed, then the activation of the engine
compartment switch is signaled with 5 quick chirps.
If the alarm emits 6 quick chirps, it signals that the battery in one of the wireless
detectors is low. When the ignition key is switched on, it is possible to find out
which detector it is according to the fading of the LED (1 to 8 – pursuant to the
order in which the detectors are enrolled).
Temporary silent control and disabling of the
If it is necessary due to any reason (putting the vehicle in a car servicing
company for maintenance, holiday) the acoustic signaling and AUTOIMO
function can easily be temporarily disabled by switching off the ignition key
while holding the Valet button. It is confirmed with an acoustic signal. These
functions can be enabled again in the same way, on condition that they are
not disabled permanently in the settings.
The device does not require any special maintenance. We recommend regular
inspections of door and bonnet contact functioning, or possibly of the auxiliary
detectors. This inspection should be performed by a professional installer with
whom regular annual inspections should be arranged.

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