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GSM car alarm CA-1802 „Athos“ 1/6 MHF57302
Installation manual: CA-1802 “Athos” – mode 2
– for cars with an original remote control for central locking
Main features for this mode:
Arming or disarming the car together with locking or unlocking the
car via an original remote controller.
Sending alarm and information SMS messages to up to 4 mobile
Dialling pre-programmed phone numbers during alarms and
giving an acoustic warning signal.
Passing data to the central monitoring station.
Remote immobilization of the car via SMS instructions.
Remote control and programming of the alarm system from a
mobile phone.
Securing the vehicle’s goods area and the garage via up to 8
wireless detectors of the JA-8x series.
Handsfree calling from the car and remotely listening-in to the
car(receiving of any incoming calls and dialling up to 4 pre-
programmed phone numbers).
Extension of functions via the CR-11A module, for example,
operating an independent car appliance via SMS (12V only).
Internet access and configuration from the www.GSMLink.cz web
Suitable for cars with a dashboard voltage supply of 12V or 24V.
1. Before installation
The auto-alarm should only be installed by a professional installer. It is
suitable for cars with a dashboard voltage supply of 12V or 24V with a
negative ground connection. During the first power-up, the value of supply
voltage is read and the inputs are set to default settings. The alarm is
designed to be installed inside the car.
The immobilizer relay contact of car alarm is connected only in disarmed
mode and if the ignition is on. Do not block circuits that are under voltage
while the ignition is off. It could cause a serious damage of the vehicle.
Disconnect the car battery before starting installation. For airbag-
equipped cars, no person is allowed to stay inside the car while handling
the battery. Disconnecting the battery can cause a reset of some of the
car’s devices (e.g. clock, default settings etc.). Avoid drilling into the metal
parts of the car body. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage
caused by any incorrect or unsuitable application of the product.
For crimping, special purpose tools should be used. If you do not use
some of the cables, cut them off at a distance of 10cm from the connector,
insulate them properly and tie them into a bunch.
For cars with a voltage supply of 24V, the following restrictions
apply to car alarm installation:
1. It is not possible to connect a hands-free set of type HF-03.
2. When used for acoustic signalling, the SIR output is switched to the
power supply voltage. Consequently, this output switches to 24V, so it
is necessary to use a siren of type SA-606-24V (instead of the siren
which is supplied in the standard package). This case also requires
the siren confirmation impulse to be extended to 100ms.
2. The wiring
Yellow – output siren – switches to +12V (24 V) / max. 1.3 A. It
signals an alarm (30 sec) and confirms control signals
Gray – door switch input. It reacts to connection or disconnection
from ground . These switches should be fitted to all of the car’s doors.
White – input INP1 – alarm input or conditional input for car alarm
status modification. Can be used as an alarm input when the CAN
BUS module (e.g. MCB-01) controls the car alarm. As a conditional
input, it works this way: After locking the car, a state change on INP1
(confirmed by turn lights) will indicate that the car alarm has been
armed. Unlocking the car and changing the state of INP1 will result in
the car alarm disarming. A status change must appear every time after
the car is disarmed.
Yellow-white – input INP2 – alarm input. It reacts to a connection or a
disconnection from the ground (24 hour reaction).
Blue - signals that the ignition key is turned on. Reacts to +12V
(24V) from the switch case. Make sure that a voltage is present in the
connecting wire while starting.
Green – LED indicator – should be installed in a visible place on the
White–black (position 10) Arm“, White–blue (position 11)
Disarm” – control inputs for arming/disarming. They react to
connection or disconnection to or from ground. They are usually
connected to the inputs of the central locking control unit. If these are
not available, the car alarm inputs can be connected directly to the
power wires of the central locking motors. Two pairs of central locking
wires are available. For mode 2 use the wires without shrinkable
tube (part of packaging).
Black – ground – connect to the original grounding point.
Red – power supply +12V (24V) - connect directly to the battery. The
power should be turned on only after a thorough check of the whole
installation has been made !
Orange – back-up battery – connects to a back-up battery of type BB-
02 (capacity 450 mAh, consumption up to 20 mA.)
this function is optional
2x Brown – immobilization circuit (max. 8A constantly, 12A
Pinkoutput AUX – an optional function of the output, see table 7 –
the power supply of external sensors is switched on by +12V/20mA or
by bus communication for modules CR-11A
It is possible to attach a hands-free set of type HF-03
. Using this you are
able to phone out from the car via the car alarm, and also to remotely
listen-in to the car after an alarm has been triggered or after the car has
been immobilized. The HF set connects to the RJ connector on the front
side of the car alarm unit.
3. SIM card insertion
1. Make sure, that the PIN number on the SIM is disabled. If the SIM
card does not allow you to switch the PIN off, set the PIN to 0000.
Remember (note down) the phone number of your SIM card. It is
recommended to delete all original records in the SIM card’s phone
2. Insertion of the SIM card: using a thin object, press the yellow peg
in order to pull out the SIM card holder (the front side of the alarm),
insert the SIM card into the casing with the conducting contacts facing
up and push the casing back carefully up to the sticking point.
3. Install and attach the GSM antenna (the car alarm must not be
connected to a power supply unless a GSM antenna is connected!!!). The
antenna is equipped with an adhesive tape and has to be stuck onto the
car’s window or to another suitable place like, for instance, below the
upper part of the dashboard. The antenna should not be installed close to
the car alarm or near other electronic devices. It is recommended to install
the antenna in a place where it is not easily visible (preferably in a tinted
part of the window). Clear and dry the spot carefully.
4. Check the wiring and connect the power supply. A flash of the
indicator and a beep of the siren indicate that the device is being
connected to the GSM network. Wait until the indicator turns off (up to 1
minute). After that the car alarm is logged in to the GSM network.
If the flash does not disappear within 1 minute, it means that the login
process failed. If such a case occurs, turn off the power supply, pull out
the SIM card, ensure that the SIM contacts are clean, insert the card
into a mobile phone and check, whether a connection can be
established in that particular place. Also make sure that the SIM card‘s
PIN is turned off (or that it is set to 0000). If the mobile phone
connection check is successful, return the SIM card to the car alarm
and repeat the whole procedure.
4. After turning the power supply on
In order to use the functionality of the car alarm according to your needs
you first have to setup its logic and behaviour by the RESET command.
Subsequently, phone numbers and other optional parameters should be set
up and an RC-8x key fob should be enrolled. The setup can be done in the
following ways:
by editing a record in the SIM card phone directory (it is the
simplest setting method but limited to some functions only, see table 5.1).
These settings (which determine the devices‘ behaviour) are read from the
SIM card after each powering up of the car alarm. After the initial powering
up of the new car alarm with a new (blank) SIM card, configuration records
(names) are created in the SIM card’s phone directory and the default
values set. But in the case that the alarm had been set before and a new
(blank) SIM card is inserted then the stored parameters are copied from
the internal memory to the SIM card. This will help you after SIM card
changing. You can perform basic settings of some of the car alarm’s
functions by pulling the SIM card out of the alarm (after the power supply
has been disconnected) and subsequently inserting it into a mobile phone
where you assign numbers to the names of functions displayed in the
phone directory from the SIM. See table 5.1 for setting the car alarm’s
optional parameters. Settings from the SIM card are read after its insertion
and powering up.
these accessories are optional

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