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CA-1202 User manual – Mode 2 - 4 / 4 – MHF53400
10. Car battery low voltage reporting
The built-in voltage drop detector can trigger an alarm if an electrical device in
the car is turned on while the car is armed. Also the car alarm checks the voltage
of the car battery. If the voltage is too low (10V) it will notify users via an SMS
message. The car alarm can be backed up by a BB-01 battery. Thus, the car alarm
can send SMS messages (but not work) even when the car battery is
disconnected. The manufacturer recommends regular BB-01 checking once a
year. The battery should be replaced every two years.
11. Limited number of alarms
If any sensor (input) repeatedly triggers alarms then this particular input will be
bypassed automatically after the third alarm (it will remain bypassed until the car
alarm is disarmed).
12. Remote service
When it is necessary to change the basic settings of the alarm like phone numbers
etc you do not need to contact the installer. Instead it is possible to change settings
13. Central monitoring station communication
The car alarm allows central monitoring via GPRS data protocol. Please ask your
supplier for details.
14. Roaming
If you travel abroad and your SIM card supports roaming, the car alarm will
work there too (the functions LOCATOR and CREDIT might be not available).
15. LED indicator signals
The LED indicator is used to show
the status of the alarm. Warning! If
the LED indicator starts flashing
fast after the ignition is switched
off, it will not be able to send any
messages nor call in the case of
an alarm
LED state Meaning
OFF Disarmed
permanently ON Connecting to a GSM network
or a phone call
Regular slow flashing Armed
Interrupted light Car was stopped
Flashing fast GSM network is not available
Your installer’s contact details:
CA-1202 User manual – Mode 2 - 1 / 4 – MHF53400
The “Athos” CA-1202 GSM car alarm
Thank you very much for buying our CA-1202 car alarm. Now you will always be able to
find where you left your car.
Jablotron Ltd.
1. Remote control arming and disarming
The alarm will be armed when the car is locked remotely by the
original remote control and disarmed when the car is unlocked
remotely. If the car is unlocked by key then the alarm will be
triggered. To stop the alarm it is necessary to unlock remotely by the
original remote control. The RC-40 remote control can be used for
remotely operating the gate, garage door etc. Please ask your
installer for detailed information.
2. Acoustic signals
The car alarm informs you about its status
by siren chirps. The chirps for arming (1x),
disarming (2x) and arming with the
triggered input (4x) are optional. Warning!
If the GSM network is not available
while the car alarm is being armed it
will not be able to send any messages
nor call in the case of an alarm.
3. Alarm
When an alarm is triggered (the car alarm is armed and an input is triggered), the
siren will sound for 30 sec’s., warning SMS messages will be sent to all phones
(TEL1 to TEL4) and these phones will also be called with a siren sound
. The alarm
can be terminated by unlocking the car remotely by the original remote control or by
SMS instruction. Your mobile will be sent a message stating that the alarm condition
has ended. If the alarm is triggered accidentally (e.g. by unlocking the door with a
key) then in some cases it is necessary to lock the door first and then
unlock by the original remote control to terminate the alarm.
4. Remote control by SMS instructions
SMS instructions sent from an authorized phone (TEL1 to TEL4) can
operate the alarm remotely. Factory default instruction texts are
shown in the following table. If an SMS is sent from an unauthorized
phone a valid user code must be entered before the instruction (e.g.
If it is activated, then in the case of an alarm all calls are automatically answered
(it is possible to listen and speak to the car remotely).
Chirps Meaning
1x Arming
2x Disarming
3x Disarming after the alarm
4x Arming with the triggered input
6x GSM network is not available

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