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MLO51201 - 14 -
The following description applies to Azor’s default settings. However, you can adjust its
behaviour as you wish – see the Settings.
A RFID tag reader is usually used to control Azor at the protected premises. Users whose
telephone has been enrolled to the system can also control Azor via the voice menu. The
access to the menu can be protected with a personal User’s code – see the Settings.
Switching Azor on/off
Azor can be switched on/off by holding the GSM control unit button. Azor reports its
switching on/off (to the ARC and also with an SMS message).
Setting Azor
Press the SET button on the RFID tag reader (A) and scan the RFID tag (B)
The red LED indicator in the reader lights up and a 1 minute exit delay is launched
Detector activation will not trigger an alarm in this time
Azor will confirm its setting with a longer beep
Tips and specifications
The system can also be set via the telephone voice menu.
A different exit delay can be set (see the Settings).
If you press the RFID tag reader button in a set state, a red LED indicator lights up.
When a detector is activated in the set state, an alarm is triggered. However, a 30 second
entry delay during which the user can unset the system is launched first (a different delay
can be set or it can be disabled for individual detectors – see Settings).
If there is any unauthorized manipulation of any part of the system in the set state, a tamper
alarm is triggered.
If the user has enabled SMS reporting when the system is set, no report is sent to them if
they set the system themselves by own remote control or RFID tag. An RFID tag marked by
a colour label on it is for the user whose phone number was enrolled as the first one. No
setting is reported when it is cancelled during the exit delay. This reduces unnecessary
SMS messages if you forget something when exiting the place and you have to return for it.
- 11 - MLO51201
Installation of the GSM control unit and its antenna
The GSM control unit should be installed in a concealed place. There must be
a mains socket for the connection of the supplied mains adaptor within reach.
If the LED indication on the front panel of the control unit is unwanted (may
show the place of unit installation) it is possible to switch it off using A-Link.
The LED indication is switched off within 15 minutes. If you need to check the
indication briefly press the button on the unit and the indication will appear for
15 minutes. In the case of power trouble the LED indication is always on.
No other electronic appliances should be near the GSM control unit (e.g. audio
systems, antenna cables) which may be influenced by the GSM transmitter in
the control unit.
You can use the template at the rear of the manual to mark the spots where
you want to fix Azor to the wall. The screws should protrude a bit so that the
electronic box can be put on the screw heads and secured by moving it
Tamper detector
The GSM control unit has a sensitive tamper-switch at the bottom (a plastic
lever). Based on its activation by picking up the GSM control unit, the system sends
a tamper activation report to the user or ARC if enabled.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jablotron Azor GSM Mini

Jablotron Azor GSM Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 24 pagina's

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