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MLO51201 - 22 -
AZ-10P motion detector
power supply 2x AAA 1.5V / 1200 mAh alkaline batteries
(battery lifetime is approx.1 year)
coverage detection angle 120°, covers an area of 10 x 10 m
dimensions 65 x 95 x 60 mm
AZ-10M door-opening detector
power supply 2x AAA 1.5V / 1200 mAh alkaline batteries
(lifetime is approx.1 year)
reacts to the magnet being withdrawn by 20 mm
dimensions 32 x 145 x 25 mm + 15 x 55 x 55 mm
AZ-10S optical smoke detector
power supply AA 1.5V / 2600 mAh alkaline battery (lifetime is approx.1 year)
reacts to smoke in the premises or an increased temperature over 60 to
dimensions diameter 125 x 65 mm
AZ-10R remote control
power supply L1016 6V alkaline battery (battery lifetime is approx.2 years)
dimensions 55 x 40 x 15 mm
AZ-10B wireless doorbell button
power supply L1016 6V / 35 mAh alkaline battery (lifetime is approx.1 year)
dimensions 80 x 28 x 16 mm
Mains adaptor
Power supply voltage ~110 - 230 V / 50 Hz, 0.2 A, protection class II;
output voltage = 5 V , 3 A
Specifications common to all parts
Environment according to EN 50131-1 indoor general
Operating temperature range + 5 to +40 °C
Classification Grade 1 according to EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3, EN 50131-6, EN
50131-5-3, EN 50131-2-2, EN 50131-2-6, EN 50134-2
Also complies with ETSI EN 300220, ETSI EN 300330, ETSI EN 301 419-1,
EN 301 511, EN 50130-4, EN 55022, ETSI EN 301489-7,
EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70 03
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s.hereby declares that the device is in compliance with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC if used for the purpose it has been designed for. The
original of the conformity assessment can be found at
www.jablotron.com - Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you return the product to the
dealer or directly to the producer after use. More detailed information can be found at www.jablotron.com
- 3 - MLO51201
Azor is a wireless alarm for monitoring against burglars. It has been designed for small
houses, flats, offices, shops, etc. It can also be supplemented with a optical smoke detector.
Guarding can be simply SET or UNSET using an RFID tag. You just need to press the
switch at the door and use the RFID tag. The system can also be controlled with a telephone
– via voice menu options.
When an alarm is triggered, Azor can call a security agency (Alarm Receiving Centre).
However, it can also report events by SMS messages and by phone calls. You can define
which information you are interested in (alarms, power supply failure, who set or unset the
system and when, etc.).
If you decide to adjust Azor’s behaviour to suit your needs, you just need to connect it to a
PC and use the included user-friendly ALink software.
up to 10 wireless detectors (motion, door opening, window opening, fire, panic)
up to 10 users authorized to control the setting/unsetting
voice menu for control via a telephone
SMS and voice reporting of events to users (individual settings)
transmission of information to an Alarm Receiving Centre (including connection
possibility of listening in to the guarded premises
siren to scare burglars (silent alarm can be set as well)
tamper alarm for reporting an attempt to damage any part of the system
1 year battery lifetime (in detectors and remote controls)
backup battery in the communicator (for power failures)
automatic checking of the functioning of all parts of the system (including battery
status checks)
USB port for connection to a PC (setup does not require SW installation)
event memory of up to 1000 events
false alarm filter
optional door opening “chime“ function
optional wireless doorbell button function
future product updates for new functions
meets EN-50131-1, security grade 1, environment class I

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Jablotron Azor GSM Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 24 pagina's

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