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The AC-82 wireless relay output module MJT51202
The AC-82 wireless relay output module
The AC-82 is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis JA-80 system. It is
mains-powered (230V AC) and it provides 2 relays which can be
controlled by radio signals and offers the following:
Remotely controllable relay outputs which follow JA-80 control
panel programmable PG outputs
Remote control of appliances using RC-8x controllers
Relay output of JA-8x wireless detectors
Relay output of TP-8x wireless thermostats
max F 5 A / 250V
max 5 A
Installation of this module shall only be undertaken by technicians holding a
certificate issued by an authorized distributor..
Warning: this device is galvanically connected to the mains.
Open the module’s cover (1 screw) and take out the circuit board (2
tabs). Install the back part of the housing to the desired place, re-install
the circuit board, connect the wires and enroll the desired wireless
L,N Power: 230V AC/50Hz
COM Common terminal for the output contacts X and Y (fused by a 5
Amp fuse)
RE1 Normally open relay X contact
RE2 Normally open relay Y contact
The enrollment of transmitters
The X and Y relays are totally independent. Jablotron Oasis devices with
transmitters can be enrolled to them individually using the X and Y enrollment
buttons. Each relay offers 4 different enrollment modes (1 to 4, see the following
table). The reaction of a relay to a transmitter signal depends on which
enrollment mode the transmitting device has been enrolled to.
Enrollment procedure
Use the X or Y button depending on which relay you want to enroll a device
Repeatedly press the relevant X or Y button to select the desired
enrollment mode 1 to 4 as indicated by the flashing of corresponding LEDs 1
to 4 (see the table for guidance on choosing the right enrollment mode).
Activate the transmitter while the LED is flashing, as follows:
o key fob – press a button
o detector or thermostat – connect its battery up (if it has already been
connected, first disconnect it, and then wait 10 seconds)
o Control panel PG output – key in 299 in service mode
Enrollment is confirmed by a short flash from all the AC-82 indicators
If no enrollment signal has been received within 10 sec., enrollment mode
automatically ends.
If you wish to enroll another device, repeat the above enrollment procedure.
If a device does not enroll, either it is too far from the receiver, or there is
another device already enrolled which cannot be combined with the new
one, or the maximum number of devices has been exceeded.
Each device can have its own individual reaction (it is possible to combine
different reactions for a single relay = enrolling different devices in different
enrollment modes to the same relay).
The relay always performs the last received instruction (e.g. if the relay is
already on and a signal for a 2 minute pulse is received, the relay will stay
on for another 2 minutes and then it will turn off).
Each transmitting device (keyfob, detector, control panel, etc.) can be
enrolled to an unlimited number of different receivers.
Devices are enrolled to a non-volatile memory, so the AC-82 will not forget
them if its power is disconnected
Use with RC-8x remote controllers
Up to 60 remote controllers can be enrolled to each relay.
To operate garage door or parking gate actuators, use the 1 sec. pulse
mode and connect the NC relay contact to the push button input of the
actuator unit.
Use with JA-8x wireless detectors
Detectors can be enrolled to pulse modes 1 and 2 (up to 60 detectors to each
relay). The 2 minute mode is suitable for automatically switching on lights,
ventilators etc.
If a detector(s) is enrolled in mode 3, then the relay will be switched if the
detector’s tamper sensor is triggered. In this mode up to 8 detectors can be
enrolled to a single relay (which will be switched if any of the detectors is
tampered with), but no other kind of device can be enrolled, only detectors.
If a detector(s) is enrolled in mode 4, then the relay triggers if the detector’s
No. Reaction Device Enrollment method
keyfob button pressing
1 1 sec. pulse
detector connecting battery up
key fobs and detectors can be combined
the relay stays on 1sec, turns off and is then ready to be activated again (the pulse is not
extended if another 1 sec. pulse activation signal is received while the relay is still on)
keyfob button pressing
2 2 min. pulse
detector connecting battery up
key fobs and detectors can be combined
if another 2min. activation signal is received while the relay is on for 2 min., then the relay
stays on 2 min. more (the 2 minute pulse is extended if re-activated during the pulse)
Latch keyfob button pressing 60
Tamper = on detector connecting battery up 8
impossible to combine keyfobs with detectors
* latch = on – off – on – off….
Tamper = on= relay turns on when a detector’s tamper sensor is triggered.
button pressing enrolls
a pair of buttons
impossible to combine key fobs with detectors or with a control panel PG output
PG output of
control panel
entry of 299 in Service
impossible to combine PG output with detectors or with keyfobs
On / off
thermostat connecting battery up 8
can be combined with keyfobs, detectors and a control panel PG output
Triggering = on detector connecting battery up 8
impossible to combine detectors with keyfobs or with a control panel PG output

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