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Thank you for buying this colour television.
To make sure you fully understand how to use your new TV, please read this manual thoroughly before you begin.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this
appliance to rain or moisture.
To ensure personal safety, observe the following rules
regarding the use of this unit.
1 Operate only from the power source specified (AC 220
240 V, 50 Hz) on the unit.
2 Avoid damaging the AC plug and power cord.
3 Avoid improper installation and never position the unit
where good ventilation is unattainable.
When installing this television, distance recommendations
must be maintained between the floor and wall, as well as
instalment in a tightly enclosed area or piece of furniture.
Please adhere to the minimum distance guidelines shown
for safe operation.
4 Do not allow objects or liquid into the cabinet openings.
5 In the event of a fault, unplug the unit and call a service
technician. Do not attempt to repair it yourself or remove
the rear cover.
6 The surface of the TV screen is easily damaged. Be very
careful with it when hendling the TV.
Should the TV screen become soiled, wipe it with a soft dry
cloth. Never rub it forcefully. Never use any cleaner or
detergent on it.
7 When you don’t use this TV set for a long period of time, be
sure to disconnect the power plug from the AC outlet.
8 Do not hold the front panel door when moving the TV, if you
do you may break it.
DO NOT cut off the mains plug from this equipment. If the
plug fitted is not suitable for the power points in your home or
the cable is too short to reach a power point, then obtain an
appropriate safety approved extension lead or adaptor or
consult your dealer.
If nonetheless the mains plug is cut off, remove the fuse and
dispose of the plug immediately, to avoid a possible shock
hazard by inadvertent connection to the mains supply.
If a new mains plug has to be fitted, then follow the instruction
given below:
Do not make any connection to the larger terminal which is
marked with the letter E or by the safety earth symbol or
coloured green or green-and-yellow.
The wires in the mains lead on this product are coloured in
accordance with the following code:
Blue: Neutral
Brown: Live
As these colours may not correspond with the coloured
marking identifying the terminals in your plug proceed as
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the
terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the
terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red.
When replacing the fuse only a correctly rated approved type
should be used and be sure to re-fit the fuse cover.
If in doubt — consult a competent
How to replace the fuse
Open the fuse compartment
with a blade screwdriver, and
replace the fuse.
15 cm
10 cm 10 cm 15 cm
AV32EK_WARNING.fm Page 2 Wednesday, January 17, 2001 9:28 AM

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