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AV-32/28H35SUE / LCT1379-001A-U / English
Thank you for buying this JVC colour television.
To make sure you understand how to use your new TV, please read this manual thoroughly before you
Avoid improper installation and never position the unit where good
ventilation is unattainable.
When installing this television, distance recommendations must be
maintained between the floor and wall, as well as installation in a tightly
enclosed area or piece of furniture.
Adhere to the minimum distance guidelines shown for safe operation.
Failure to heed the following precautions may result in damage to the TV or
remote control.
DO NOT block the TV’s ventilation openings or holes.
(If the ventilation openings or holes are blocked by a newspaper or cloth, etc., the heat may not be
able to get out.)
DO NOT place anything on top of the TV.
(such as cosmetics or medicines, flower vases, potted plants, cups, etc.)
DO NOT allow objects or liquid into the cabinet openings.
(If water or liquid is allowed to enter this equipment, fire or electric shock may be caused.)
DO NOT place any naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, on the TV.
Operate only from the power source specified
(AC 220 – 240 V, 50 Hz) on the unit.
Avoid damaging the AC plug and power cord.
When you are not using this unit for a long
period of time, it is recommended that you
disconnect the power cord from the main
The main power button on the TV does not
fully isolate the TV from the AC supply. If you
are not going to use this TV for a long period
of time, be sure to disconnect the AC plug from
the AC socket.
The surface of the TV screen is easily damaged. Be very careful with it when handling the TV.
Should the TV screen become soiled, wipe it with a soft dry cloth. Never rub it forcefully.
Never use any cleaner or detergent on it.
In the event of a fault, unplug the unit and call a service technician. Do not attempt to repair it
yourself or remove the rear cover.
AV-32&28H35_Eng.book Page 1 Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:14 PM

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