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Step 6: Connect the speaker wires and
place the W7AE into the enclosure
Connect the positive wire to the red terminal and the negative wire to the
black terminal of the W7AE (picture 6a). The 13W7AE (not shown) has dual
voice coils and must be wired with its coils in series or in parallel. Once
the speaker is wired, gently lower it into the enclosure (picture 6b). This is
difficult on a vertical mounting surface (because of the speaker’s
weight) so you should enlist the help of a second person. If you
need a better grip (or are afraid of smashing your fingers)
you can grasp the inside of the speaker’s mounting flange
(remember, the surround moves out of the way). This tip
is particularly useful with the 13W7AE.
Step 5: Ready to Install
You are now ready to install the W7AE into its enclosure. The parts are shown below.
Step 7: Screw it in (12 times)
Line up the screw holes of the frame
with the holes that you have pre-
drilled in your enclosure (you did
pre-drill the holes, right?). The W7AE
should be attached with heavy screws
such as the ones supplied with the
speaker. This will necessitate pre-drilling.
The use of inferior hardware (i.e.
drywall screws) may lead to disastrous
consequences, so don’t do it. While
holding the surround back with two
fingers (picture 7a), screw the speaker
into the enclosure (picture 7b). Once all
twelve screws are in place (you did use
all twelve, right?), place the surround
back over the outside of the speaker
frame (picture 7c).
Step 8: Attach O-Ring
Next, take the steel O-Ring that you
removed in step 3, and place it over the
outside of the surround. Push it down
evenly (do not seat one side first) to
make sure it seats the lower lip of
the surround down to the frame
(pictures 8a, 8b).
Step 9: Attach Clamp-Ring
Place the seam of the clamp-ring where it will be least
visible in the installation (usually at the bottom of the
speaker). Start one end of the clamp-ring by pressing it in
firmly (pictures 9a, 9b). Then work your way around from that point
around the speaker, pushing the clamp-ring inward and in the direction of
the circumference of the frame (pictures 9c, 9d). If you have achieved a tight
fit all around, the seam will be small when you reach the starting point again
(pictures 9e, 9f). Check the entire circumference for a tight fit just to be sure.
Thats it!
You’ve just installed a W7AE!
Be sure that the beveled edge of
the clamp-ring is “pointing towards the front of the
speaker. The clamp-ring is only designed to work in
this orientation.

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