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“EL(Port Extension Length)
12W3v3-2: 13.5 in. (343 mm)
12W3v3-4: 13.5 in. (343 mm)
12W3v3-8: 13.5 in. (343 mm)
JL AUDIO 12W3v3-2/12W3v3-4/12W3v3-8 3
(net int.)
External Dimensions
(Width x Height x Depth)
1.250 ft³
35.4 litres
23 in. x 14 in. x 10 in.
584 mm x 356 mm x 254 mm
41.8 50.4 0.96
1.125 ft³
31.8 litres
23 in. x 14 in. x 9.25 in.
584 mm x 356 mm x 235 mm
43.7 50.2 0.83
1.250 ft³
35.4 litres
23 in. x 14 in. x 10 in.
584 mm x 356 mm x 254 mm
41.5 50.5 0.91
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Prolonged exposure to sound pressure levels in excess of 100dB can cause permanent hearing loss. This high-performance
speaker can exceed this level. Please exercise restraint in its operation in order to preserve your ability to enjoy its fidelity.
When installing a subwoofer in your vehicle, it is extremely important to secure the enclosure firmly. We recommend
bolting the enclosure through the metal of the floorpan or the frame of the vehicle with large diameter washers for
reinforcement. If an enclosure is not firmly attached, it can become a projectile in a collision. This is particularly important
in a hatchback, station wagon, sports utility vehicle, or van.
The enclosure recommendations listed are external
dimensions which assume the use of 3/4" (19mm)
thick material. If you are using 5/8" (16mm) thick
material, subtract 1/4" (6.5mm) from each dimension.
Do not use any material with a thickness of less than
5/8" (16mm) as this may compromise the rigidity of
the enclosure.
All enclosure volumes listed are net internal volumes!
Box volume displacement, port displacement and
brace displacement must be added to obtain the final
gross internal volume. All enclosure dimensions listed
have already taken this into account.
When using two subwoofers in a common
enclosure simply double the required volume and,
in the case of a ported enclosure, use two times the
recommended port(s).
We recommend the use of this speaker in a bi-
amplified system using high-quality satellite speakers
and amplifiers. We do not recommend the use of
this subwoofer with a passive crossover (coil), as this
type of device will adversely affect performance.
(net int.)
Enclosure External Dimensions
(Width x Height x Depth)
Slot Port Specs
Slot Area x Slot Length
Rec. Slot Port Internal Dimensions
Slot Width x Slot Height x Slot Length
Tune to:
1.75 ft³
49.6 litres
29 in. x 14 in. x 12.625 in.
737 mm x 356 mm x 321 mm
17.1875 sq. in. x 26.125 in.
110.9 sq. cm. x 664 mm
1.375 in. x 12.5 in. x 26.125 in.
35 mm x 318 mm x 664 mm
30.0 36.0
1.75 ft³
49.6 litres
29 in. x 14 in. x 12.625 in.
737 mm x 356 mm x 321 mm
17.1875 sq. in. x 26.125 in.
110.9 sq. cm. x 664 mm
1.375 in. x 12.5 in. x 26.125 in.
35 mm x 318 mm x 664 mm
30.0 35.0
1.75 ft³
49.6 litres
29 in. x 14 in. x 12.625 in.
737 mm x 356 mm x 321 mm
17.1875 sq. in. x 26.125 in.
110.9 sq. cm. x 664 mm
1.375 in. x 12.5 in. x 26.125 in.
35 mm x 318 mm x 664 mm
30.0 35.0

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