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W7AE Subwoofer Drivers: Tight.
The ultimate no-compromise subwoofer for those seeking extreme output and sublime sound quality.
1 - OverRoll™ Surround
(U.S. Patent #5,687,247 and #5,949,898)
By utilizing space wasted in conventional
speakers, this ground-breaking innovation controls
the W7AE’s massive excursion without sacrificing
precious cone area.
2 - W-Cone™ (U.S. Patent #6,496,590)
The W-Cone™ is a unit-body cone assembly that
delivers astonishing cone stiffness with minimal
mass. The shape also provides incredible torsional
rigidity, which is critical to maintaining voice coil
alignment at the suspension limits.
3 - Floating-Cone™ Attach Method
(U.S. Patent #6,501,844)
Our newly conceived assembly technique ensures
proper surround geometry in the assembled
speaker for better excursion control and dynamic
voice coil alignment. A small detail that means
a lot when you’re pumping the cone to the
excursion extremes the W7AE is capable of.
4 - Plateau-Reinforced Spider Attachment
(U.S. Patent #6,118,884)
A derivative of JLAudio’s famous VRC technology,
this bulletproof suspension attachment relieves
stress from the spider material at high-excursions
for enhanced reliability.
5 - Radially Cross-Drilled Pole Piece
(U.S. Patent #6,243,479)
This innovative venting system greatly enhances
thermal dissipation and power handling by
directing air flow onto the voice coil former,
working in conjunction with technology #6.
6 - Elevated Frame Cooling (U.S. Patent
#D472,891, #6,219,431 and #6,229,902)
The elevated frame design of the W7AE delivers
cool air through slots directly above the top-plate
to the voice coil of the speaker. This not only
enhances power handling, but also sound quality
by minimizing dynamic parameter shifts and
power compression.
In addition to the patented technologies listed above, multiple U.S. and International patents are currently pending.
WARNING: Prolonged exposure to high sound pressure levels can lead to permanent hearing loss.
W7AE subwoofers are capable of reproducing sound at extremely high sound pressure levels. Please exercise restraint in the operation of your system
in order to preserve your hearing and your long-term enjoyment of this products sound quality capabilities.
7 - Highly Linear, DMA-Optimized Motor System
DMA is JLAudios proprietary Dynamic Motor
Analysis system and is aimed at improving
dynamic motor behavior. As a result of DMA
optimization, W7AE motors remain linear in motor
force over an extreme range of excursion and also
maintain a highly stable fixed magnetic field in
the gap over a wide power range. This leads to
vastly reduced distortion and faithfully reproduced
transients... or put simply: tight, clean, articulate
8 - Huge Diameter, Progressive-Roll Spider
Arrived at after intense computer analysis and
optimization, the W7AE spiders provide precise
control and motor/voice coil alignment without
prematurely limiting excursion.
9 - Co-Extruded Double Lead-Wires
The extruded casing and carefully engineered
attachments ensure controlled lead-wire behavior
under the most extreme excursion demands. Two
conductors are used per connection for ample
current carrying capability.
10 - Ultra-long Voice Coil
To allow extreme linear excursion, phenomenal
power handling and control, control, control.

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