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To install the included software onto your computer, follow these instructions:
1. Use the included USB cable to connect DISCOVER KEYBOARD USB
to a free USB port on your computer.
2. Insert the included software CD into your computer.
3. When the installation screen appears, click the button corresponding to
the software you want to install:
D'Accord Keyboard Lite (recommended for beginners)
Acoustica Pianissimo (recommended for advanced players)
4. After selecting the software you want to install, you may see a security
warning dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to install the file.
Click "Run."
5. You will see a "Setup Wizard" screen appear. This will help guide you
through the software setup. Follow the instructions that appear on your
screen to continue.
D'Accord Keyboard Lite requires Adobe Flash Player to run. If you do not already have it, we recommend
installing it if the Setup Wizard asks if you want to do so.
During the installation process for Acoustica Pianissimo, you will be prompted to enter a serial number to activate
the software. This serial number can be found on the sleeve of the software CD.
6. The Setup Wizard will confirm when the installation is complete. At that point, you may choose to open the software you
just installed. (If desired, you can close the Setup Wizard and repeat Steps 2-4 to install the other software program, as
To get started playing DISCOVER KEYBOARD USB, follow these steps:
1. Use the included USB cable to connect DISCOVER KEYBOARD USB to a free USB port on your computer.
2. Open the software program you want to use. If you let the installation Setup Wizard choose the location for your
software, you can find the program here:
D'Accord Keyboard Lite:
1. Go to Start Menu f All Programs f D'Accord Keyboard Method Lite f Keyboard Method Lite.
2. Once the software has opened, follow the on-screen instructions to get started with your lesson!
Acoustica Pianissimo:
1. Go to Start Menu f All Programs f Pianissimo f Pianissimo.
2. Once the software has opened, you can start playing immediately. If you want to learn more about
Pianissimo's other features, click the "?" icon or go to the Help Menu and select "Help" (Ctrl + H).
1. USB CONNECTION – Connect this jack to a free USB port on your computer using the included USB cable. The
computer’s USB port will provide power to the DISCOVER KEYBOARD USB.
2. KEYBOARD – Press the 25 velocity-sensitive keys on the KEYBOARD to play sounds in the software.
3. PITCH BEND d / c While playing the KEYBOARD, press and hold either of these buttons to bend the pitch of the
notes down or up.
4. SUSTAIN – While playing the KEYBOARD, press and hold this button to allow the notes to sustain (the notes will be
"held" even after you release the keys).
5. PROGRAM – In addition to the included software, DISCOVER KEYBOARD USB can be used with any virtually any
digital audio workstation that supports USB-MIDI keyboards. In this case, you can hold down PROGRAM and press a
key on the KEYBOARD to select a program (1-25, corresponding to the 25 keys).
6. OCTAVE d / cWhile playing the KEYBOARD, press either of these buttons to shift the KEYBOARD's range down or
up an octave. When you are higher or lower than the normal ("center") octaves, the corresponding OCTAVE button will
light. Press both OCTAVE buttons at the same time to return the KEYBOARD to the center octaves.
Software CD
USB cable
Safety Instructions & Warranty
n B
KEYBOARD USB can be used as a USB-
MIDI controller with virtually any digital
audio workstation that supports USB-
MIDI keyboards, D'Accord Keyboard
Lite and Acoustica Pianissimo are only
compatible with Windows XP, Vista, or 7.

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