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Thank you for purchasing the ion AIR PRO HD sports video camera. The ion
AIR PRO can be mounted with the Bike & Helmet Kit or the BOARD Kit
for the ultimate adventure HD recording experience.
Getting to know your AIR PRO camera
AIR PRO is a Professional, High Quality Digital Video Recorder that
records in Full HD video by using an easy slide switch
It also has the latest 5 Mega Pixel Sensor for you to take great digital
Your camera supports a MicroSD card up to 32GB, which allows you to
take video in 1080p with 30 frames per second for about 4 Hours.
The embedded 1200mAh Li-ion Battery can be recharged quickly.
The Waterproof Housing lets the camera perform up to 10 meters under
AIR PRO is lighter than 4.5 ounces or 123g.
1. Getting to Know Your Camera
1. Turn the camera on or off
2. Take single photograph
LED indicator Show the camera status
Recording Slide
Slide to start or stop video recording
Lens High quality lens
MicroSD card slot MicroSD card storage location.
AV port Connect the camera to TV via Composite cable
Mini HDMI Port Connect the camera to TV via HDMI cable
Video Resolution
Select video resolution: FHD (Full HD) or HD.
USB Port
1. Connect to computer for data transfer or
camera setup
2. Charge your camera
10 Reset button Reset the camera
PODZ Socket
Connect PODZ to the camera to achieve
additional function
2. Using Your Camera
2.1 Charging up Your Camera
Charge your camera with either the USB cable or AC/DC adapter. The red LED lights up
to indicate the camera is charging and turns off as soon as the camera has been fully
charged. It takes about 3 hours to fully charge the camera.
2.2 Inserting a Memory Card
Insert a MicroSD card (not included) before using your camera. Assure that the camera
power is turned OFF before inserting the card to the slot.
1. There is only one correct direction to insert the MicroSD card into the slot. Do not force
the card into the card slot as it may damage both the camera and the MicroSD card.
2. A new MicroSD card should be formatted before using. For more information, please
see section 3.1 and 3.2
2.3 Set up Date and Time
Connect your camera to a computer and run the ion software from the MicroSD card
folder. You can set date and time on the camera through the settings page. Please see
section 3.1 to open ion software
2.4 Recording Video
Before starting recording, select the video resolution by switching the Video Resolution
There are two methods available for starting the video record function. When starting a
video recording, a short vibration indicates recording started. The LED indicator
illuminates RED throughout the recording.
1. Whether the camera power is ON or OFF, simply slide the Recording Slide Switch
from STOP to REC to start recording.
2. When your camera is OFF and the Recording Slide Switch is at REC location,
press and hold the Power button to turn the camera ON and it will start recording.
Move the Recording Slide Switch from REC to STOP to stop recording. The
camera will vibrate and the LED indicator will illuminate GREEN to indicate the recording
has stopped. The camera will then enter Standby mode.
An additional option is to hold the Power button to stop the recording and turn the
camera off. The camera will vibrate two seconds and the Green LED light will turn off.
1. An additional WQVGA (432x240) video file will be created simultaneously with the
recording of an HD/FHD video file. The smaller WQVGA file size allows for more efficient
uploading of content to social media sites and email.
2. Changing video resolution is disabled during video recording.
3. There will be around 1-2 seconds delay before the camera starts recording.
4. The various video resolution options for HD and FHD can be changed under the
“Settings” selection in the ion software.
2.5 Taking Photos
1. Turn on the camera by pressing the Power button.
2. After the camera power has been turned on, press the Power button to take a
photo. A short vibration and a flash of Green LED indicate the action was successful.
1.The Still Photo function is disabled during video recording.
Quick Start Guide

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ion Air Pro Plus

Ion Air Pro Plus Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English - 2 pagina's

Ion Air Pro Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 35 pagina's

Ion Air Pro Plus Snelstart handleiding - Français, Italiano - 2 pagina's

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