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1. POWER IN – Connect the included power cable to this
jack then connect the cable to your power source.
2. VOLTAGE SELECTOR – This 2-position switch sets the
AC input voltage for the speaker. U.S. users should set
this switch to "115V" whereas U.K. and most European
users will need to set this to "230V".
4. LINE INPUT – This stereo RCA input can be used to
connect a CD player, MP3 player, or other audio source.
To connect to a portable device with a 1/8" (3.5mm)
headphone jack, you will need a standard 1/8"-to-RCA
adapter (not included).
5. LINE OUTPUT – To play your music out of an additional
speaker, connect this stereo RCA output to a second
speaker's stereo RCA input so you can play your music out of both. To do this, you will need a standard stereo RCA
cable (not included).
6. MASTER VOLUME – This knob controls ANYROOM's volume.
7. BOOT – This LED will illuminate when ANYROOM is on.
8. STATUS – This LED will blink approximately once every five seconds when ANYROOM's transmitter and speaker are
properly synced. When the SYNC button is pressed, this LED will blink rapidly, then blink approximately once per second
during the sync process.
9. SYNC – Press this button to make the speaker search for ANYROOM transmitters in the area.
Note: Do not remove the speaker grille.
1. Follow the instructions in the CONNECTION DIAGRAM to set up your ANYROOM speaker properly.
2. Be sure the volume levels of ANYROOM and your device(s) are turned to "zero."
3. Connect the device(s) you want to play:
a. iPod, iPhone*, or iPad*: Gently connect your iPod to the included transmitter (wireless module).
b. CD player (or other device with an RCA output): Use a standard stereo RCA cable (not included) to connect
your device to ANYROOM's LINE INPUT. Be sure to match the colors of the cable's plugs to their respective jacks
(red to red, white to white).
4. Turn on your device, then turn on ANYROOM's POWER SWITCH. The transmitter and speaker should sync up
automatically. (If they do not sync, see the manual sync instructions below.)
5. Play your device, and turn up its volume. Turn up ANYROOM's MASTER VOLUME.
To manually sync ANYROOM's transmitter and speaker:
Follow these steps if ANYROOM's transmitter and speaker do not automatically sync after powering on. You can also use these
steps to sync multiple ANYROOM speakers to the same transmitter.
1. Press and hold the transmitter's SYNC button (using a paperclip or pen). Its red LED will blink rapidly.
2. Within five seconds, press the speaker's SYNC button. Its STATUS LED will blink rapidly.
3. Wait a minute or two – the transmitter and speaker should sync automatically. Their LEDs should blink only about once
every five seconds when the dock and speaker are properly synced. Once synced properly, they should do sync
automatically when you turn on ANYROOM's power in the future.
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved to a part responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
(not included)
* iPo
, iPhone, and iPa
trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered i
the U.S.A. and other countries.
CD player
(not included)
To LINE INPUT of second
ANYROOM speaker (sold
ANYROOM speaker
ANYROOM transmitter
(wireless module)
Power cable
Quickstart Guide
Safety Instructions & Warranty
Information Booklet
(wireless module)

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